
Australian passport ranking decline, Chinese passport counter-attack? It's because of these two countries.

Holding an Australian passport is enviable, because the gold content is high!

Last year, Henley&Partners 's research measured the number of countries around the world that could visit without applying for a visa.

In 2018, Australia ranked sixth in the list of passports with the highest gold content in the world, with 183 countries free of signature!



(photo source: Traveller)


However, it has not been long before the Australian people are happy. According to the latest news, Australian passports have "depreciated"!

1. Down in the rankings, Australian passports aren't worth that much?

Australia is free to visit 181 countries in 2019, two fewer than last year, according to a list of passports released this week by citizen and (Global citizenship and residence advisory firm) Henley&Partners, a global housing consultancy!


(photo source: daily mail)


The ranking has also dropped to tenth!


(photo source; CNN travel)



The two missing countries, Turkey and Ukraine, have led to a drop in Australia's passport rankings.


"the change is due to recent updates to visa policies in Turkey and Ukraine, which have led to the suspension of arrival visas," Henley and Partners director Tony Le Nevez told the Daily Mail.

He also said that in addition to Australia, a number of other countries have also been affected by recent changes in visa policies in Turkey and Ukraine.

Now travel to these two countries, need to apply for e-visa in advance.



Although there were more restrictions in 2019, Mr, Le Nevez said Australian passport holders still enjoyed greater freedom than other nationals.

Overall, Australia's citizen enjoys considerable license rights and visa-free access to 181 countries and regions around the world, he said.

The Henley Passport Index is based on the number of countries whose passports allow their holders free access without the need to apply for a visa in advance.

Based on data from the International Air Transport Administration (IATA), it covers 199 passports and 227 tourist destinations.

When the visa policy changes come into effect, it is updated in real time throughout the year.

The ranking also shows Asian countries as a whole passport authority in 2019.

Japan topped the list for the second year in a row, South Korea rose from third place last year to second place, tied with Singapore, with 189 visa-free countries, and China's ranking rose from last year to 69th, allowing visa-free access to 74 international ports.


(photo source: daily mail)


At the same time, the United Kingdom and the United States fell from fourth and fifth to tied sixth.

The ranking also shows which passports offer the least visa-free status, with Pakistan (33) and Syria (32) at the end of the rankings.

(photo source: CNN travel)


2. Australian passports are still "worth a thousand dollars."

While Australia has fallen in the new rankings, the reason is that Australia's passport strength remains strong on the whole because of policy changes in the visa-free countries themselves.

Because maybe in the near future, you will be able to get in and out of the four developed countries with this passport.


A freer trade, movement, and greater co-operation between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, that is, the four-nation agreement, has long been expected. Late last year, With the official support of Canada's Federal Conservative Party and next year's pledge to leave the European Union, this idea, which has been circulating for several years, may really be coming true.


(from: CTV news)


James Skinner, the organizer and founder and chief executive of CANZUK International, a nonprofit group, also said the proposal was becoming a reality and that they had increased their activities to prepare for the future.

Since January this year, the organization has been planning similar events in other universities and Think Tank in Canada and the United Kingdom to promote CANZUK.

He said the agreement currently includes only Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom because they are easy to build on common historical, economic, diplomatic and cultural ties with Commonwealth countries.

The agreement is not a fantasy, it is based on public and political evidence that it is likely to reach agreement in the coming years, and whether it will actually be implemented in the future will be a matter for us to see.

According to this trend, it is also quite possible to obtain the citizenship of four countries by obtaining the passport of one of the countries of CANZ!

In the end, despite subtracting two visa-free countries, Australian passports are still in the world's top 10.

To a large extent, the Australian passport is in hand, said the journey that goes away can still be realized!
