
In order to be healthy, it is best not to eat these common foods in Australia

(photo by Australian News Network)

According to the Australian News Network, you may have heard the saying: "Food does not distinguish between good and bad, only bad eating habits." On the whole, this sentence is correct. Chocolate, cake or pizza are not necessarily nutritious, but occasional tasting does not have long-term adverse effects.

It is worth noting, however, that some foods can be classified nutritionally as "bad food," and it is best to remove them entirely from the diet.


Margarine is a controversial topic among nutritionists, suggesting that vegetable oil is better for heart health than animal oil. Although this is true, nutritionists usually recommend eating natural foods as much as possible. Margarine is an unwanted "extra fat" in the diet, and long-term inflammation is associated with large amounts of processed vegetable oil.

Processed meat

Canned meat and bacon are high in nitrate and salt, and processed meat is classified as a category 1 carcinogen. Consumption increases the risk of bowel and gastric cancer.

Australians often eat processed meat such as bacon, sausage, sausage and beef jerky, and a small amount of 50 grams is also associated with colorectal cancer risk.

(不含酒精的饮料) soft drinks

There was no surprise. Soft drinks are not only one of the most sugar-added foods, the 600 ml beverage contains as much sugar as 13 teaspoons of white sugar, but it is also a high-acid food that is harmful to tooth health.

puffed food

Corn, rice and wheat are used as raw materials for extruded foods. They are seasoned heavily with cheese or chicken, and processed vegetable oils are added to the process. The high fat content of these snacks, especially saturated fats, makes them nutritionally worthless because of their attractive flavor.

[医]fried food

Spring rolls and hot potato chips are tempting party foods that can be tasted occasionally, but keep in mind that this is one of a handful of trans-fat-containing foods in Australia's daily diet. Trans fats are found not only in fried foods, but also in commercially made Sausage Rolls, pie and egg cakes.

Low sugar food

While some low-sugar foods in some supermarkets do use natural sweeteners, a closer look at some low-sugar soft drinks, jelly, desserts and yogurt products shows that their ingredients include a variety of artificial sweeteners. Frequent use of artificial sweeteners increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, which in turn increases the risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease.


White bread is a food with high blood glucose index. Some products claim that adding extra fiber and nutrition can reach the nutritional level of whole wheat bread, but it is still not as comprehensive as whole wheat bread.

Mixed vegetable oil

This is not about extra virgin olive oil, but simply a blend of vegetable oils on the food label. Vegetable oils provide little nutrients compared to extra virgin olive or nut oils. The blend oil is mostly palm oil, a saturated fat-rich oil that increases the risk of heart disease.
