
The purchasing agent in, Time line is 'crazy' on the first day of the e-commerce law.

On the morning of the first day of 19, I got up to browse my mobile phone. Instead of being full of New year's blessings as usual, I was painted by the novelty of the purchasing agents. Today is not only New year's Day, but also the first day of the implementation of the e-commerce law. Time line's purchasing agents have long heard of the news, showing their talents and bringing the best performances to their friends in the New year.

All this comes mainly from the electronic commerce law. Secondly, as there are no specific details on the supervision of purchasing agents on various platforms, many true and fake versions are circulated in the purchasing circle. For example, the following three versions are typical:

Sensitive words, both sides of the deal.

No social app direct payment

Time line current limitation and weight reduction

When the specific department peace station did not issue specific regulation announcement details, some seemingly outrageous gossip spread more and more widely, and the purchasing agents of, Time line also carried it out in their own hands. Began how to avoid such problems as the above: avoid sensitive text, all foreign product advertising, English propaganda Time line

Chinese English

And some Korean and Japanese

After that, you can not only buy products, but also learn many languages, buy a product and learn a foreign language, but if that Chinglish will be able to learn, you can not only buy products but also learn foreign languages in Time line.

Or find a translation software?

Apart from foreign language advertising words, they are all kinds of genealogies.

This session of purchasing agents, everyone is divine copy, we can use the e-commerce law, the organization of a daigou copy competition, may really be able to produce a lot of widely circulated advertising copy.

In order to prevent the infringement of pictures, some soul purchasing agents have come out fresh.

Simple rough type

Realistic type

Impression school

Children's sketch

Time line purchasing agents are continuing to create miraculous jokes, copybooks, and soul painters in the interest of e-commerce law for the fusion of art and commerce. Purchasing agents in Time line to create a laugh at the same time, but also to remind everyone about their survival situation, when will the details of each major platform?
