
exposing a black guide in melbourne.

Expose a melbourne black heart guide. social app name of this man: King David. wangsiwei7. Tel 0410833337, from Shanghai

The four of us asked his car to go to Ocean Road. late in the morning for more than 20 minutes, and no apologies and explanations. There was no guide all the way to the scenic spots let us get off to stroll, he himself in the car sleep, as if playing mahjong stay up late at night, we want to go to several scenic spots to find excuses to say that time is too late not to go, lunch we did not choose his recommended restaurant, the afternoon face is not good-looking, to the 12 disciples will let us take a helicopter, we did not take him to urge us back to drive, the front of the Grand Canyon did not go. originally said is 12 hours, actually less than 11 hours is over, on the way back let us pay all the money, we disagree, he threat said to throw us halfway. The whole trip was rather unpleasant. We wanted to see his guide's papers, and he would n' t give them (or not at all), suspecting they were a black guide

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