
An outbreak of severe male famine in Australia and an overrun of beauty

"you all went to Ukraine to find a wife, who will save our single Australian girl ah!"

Some time ago, Ukraine held an unprecedented grand parade, the participants in the parade are all beauty, tall, charming temperament.

It was a spontaneous single-handedness of the girls, who, despite their beautiful appearance, were unable to marry because of a severe imbalance in the proportion of men and women in Ukraine.

And their parade appeal, it is hoped that government help them find a boyfriend, as soon as possible to realize marry's dream.

This moment, attracted the attention of the global media, but the Australian girls on the other side of the ocean know the news, but angry.

One might wonder what Ukraine's parade has to do with Australia.

In fact, because of Ukraine's little bitches, the eyes of the world's high-quality men have all been attracted to the past, completely forgotten that Australia's girls also need to be saved!

This morning, a number of Australian media jointly published the same article, which said in tears

"you've all gone to Ukraine to find your wife. Who's going to save our single Australian girl?"

《7 NEWS》!

《Herrald Sun》!


A terrible report.

The Australian media were so excited that they were completely frightened by a United Nations report!

Just two weeks ago, the latest United Nations report made a forecast for the population of this century.

The population report took several years for the United Nations. Every country in the world has detailed data, and there are three major figures on Australia's side.

Life expectancy, the number of people, and the ratio of men to women.

Then the Australian government commissioned the well-known social worker and demographer's Mark McCrindle to parse the report.

Mark, who had been jubilantly presented with the report, was about to make a big story, but it was only after a careful reading that he found out.

Australia, this is the rhythm of the end sooner or later!

These three figures, the first two are normal, the problem is precisely the last item, Australia's ratio of men and women!

Globally, according to the report, men outnumber women, with a ratio of about 102 to 100.

But here in Australia, the opposite is true!

Australia has nearly two hundred and fifty thousand more women than men, and six of Australia's eight states are experiencing a "man shortage"

And this trend, in the future, will become more and more irreversible!

In today's < NEWS 7 > news interview, Mark predicted that if Australia's government does not take action, then by the end of this century,

The ratio of men to women in Australia will change to 1 / 1.8,

Then the whole country looks out, it's all a sea of girls!

Mark explains why there is a shortage of men in Australia: "all over the world, it's part of the global labor flow. Men tend to go overseas for gold mining, so Australia faces a severe shortage of 30-60-year-olds. "

In other words: "Australian boys are chasing thrills and leaving their own girls on the run! two hundred and fifty thousand girls have no choice but to admit to being single."

The number of boys and girls is a welfare for single men, but for an Australia with a population of just over 20 million, that is the ultimate disaster!

No wonder Australia's media are in such a hurry today to make headlines about their country's girls and find them the right man.

It's not like a day or two for Australian girls to find someone.

In fact, Australia's government in order to attract single men, really did a lot of work! There is a special dating show in Australia-< Australian Bachelors > (The Bachelor Australia).

Each episode of the program will randomly select one male guest across the country, most of the time ordinary boys, and then select 21 of the hundreds of girls who have signed up for the show.

In order to win the hearts of the single man, 21 beautiful girls must compete with each other and compete fiercely before they can finally get the men back.

21 girls for one! I can imagine how eager the Australian girls are to get out of their own business! However, relying on such entertainment, is not a long-term plan.

As a result, Australia's government also began to promote, "We Australia is a country rich in beauty!" Gave birth to the goddess Nicole Kidman, the great devil Kate Blanchett, the supermodel Miranda Darkell's kingdom! "

"our Australian sister loves nature, accommodates friendliness, enthusiasm, sunshine, independence and versatility!

Beating a kangaroo, kicking a venomous snake, killing a spider or something.


And like fire fighting, outdoor survival and so on, they are generally very good at … "

However, such propaganda is not of any use. So at the end of 2017, Australia's government finally made up its mind to step in and help the girls!

They first did research in several big cities to see where singles were the worst and the right thing to do.

And guess what, government's plan hasn't been implemented yet, and it's over!

Because the government surveyed the proportion of single women in Sydney, Australia's largest city, and identified the regions where there were more single women.

As a result, they got this map:

The whole of Sydney! Almost all single girls! Single men have become a rare species!

However, Australia's government also did not give up, they think that since it can not be found at home, look around the world.

So what is the fastest way to attract young men, let them study abroad on it!

So in recent years, Australia has vigorously developed the study abroad industry, in 2016, the number of international students studying in Australia has jumped to 519385, an increase of 12 percent over 2015.

Among them, the biggest contribution is the Chinese students, other countries have basically not moved in the past ten years, and China, every year, can reach a new high …

When Australia's government sees such data, it really makes a laugh, because it has long been heard that there are 30 million bachelors in China.

So many foreign students from China, how can you bring a lot of men!

However, the success of Australia's government has not been achieved. According to the Australian Ministry of Education, there were 136097 Chinese students from all Australia in 2016. Among the more than 130, 000 Chinese students, what is the ratio of Chinese students to women?.

53%: 47%! Girls up to 53%, more than 8000 more than boys!

There are fewer boys studying abroad, so you can imagine even less left behind. According to Australian media, among the permanent residents of Burwood, Sydney's largest Chinese district,

For every 100 women only 94 men, Chinese men are almost 6% fewer than Chinese women.

When government saw the result, he could only cry in the newspaper: Australia's girls, you should go on alone!

It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice! "ALL THE SINGLE LADIES"!

Australian girl: our request is in fact very simple

To tell the truth, in addition to men, Australian girls to choose a mate is also a natural threshold.

This time NEWS 7 did a street interview to ask Australian girls what kind of men they like.

It turns out that most Australian girls don't care if their partner has a house or a car, but whether they really love each other or not.

At the same time, they feel that family care, considerate, gentle, to their own good, is also a very important standard, but such men are too hot, long ago famous flowers have the master!

Hearing this, the vast majority of China's high-quality single men are heartbroken! Are these not necessary qualities for Chinese men?

In fact, a lot of Australian girls also want to try dating with Chinese boys. On the question-and-answer website Quora, some people asked: "do Australian girls like Chinese men?"

The answer to the highest vote is as follows: "of course!" Many Australian girls are in love with Chinese boys, but Chinese boys are usually shy and afraid to take the initiative. "

Another Australian girl said that her boyfriend is a Chinese boy, or she took the initiative to pursue, at that time is his care and love for their own!

In the face of so many satisfied men in Australia beauty, what are you waiting for?

The so-called one side is difficult, the eight sides support.

Don't be shy for the friendship between China and Australia! Hurry up and form a group to tease the girl.

Even if there is no harvest. It's not a loss to look at the beauty of Australia.
