
2 Day/1 Night Outer Great Barrier Reef Adventure at Hardy Reef Sleep

Sleep on the Great Barrier Reef on a Small-group Cruise

Airlie Beach
Discount from 10%
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What To Expect

This small-group 2-day trip takes you on a catamaran to Hardy Reef where you can spot marine life through the underwater viewing chamber, snorkel, swim, dive, take a helicopter flight, and sleep under the stars.

  • Sleep on the Great Barrier Reef on a small-group cruise

  • Savour delicious dinner, buffet lunch, breakfast and drinks

  • Indulge in snorkelling, swimming, and diving in one of the world’s largest coral reefs

  • View the marine life from an underwater observatory of the pontoon

  • Take a scenic helicopter ride (additional cost)

  • Sleep under the stars

Watch the vibrant corals and marine life of one of the most acclaimed Great Barrier Reef sites in the region from an underwater observatory. For an in-depth experience, go for snorkelling and diving with certified instructors or take a helicopter ride at an additional cost. Replenish energies with a buffet lunch prepared by an award-winning Airlie Beach restaurant.

After a day exploring the coral reefs, head to the top deck of Reefsleep to relax with a glass of wine while enjoying the sunset. Talk to the other passengers about your day during a gourmet barbecue dinner before sleeping under the stars.

Please note that no children under the age of 12 years are permitted on this trip.

Tickes Collection

  • We will confirm your booking within 8 business hours, and send the voucher to your email address

  • The voucher is valid only on the date specified



  • 到达后请注意参看平台上的时刻表,关于玻璃底船时间


  • 所有浮潜装备都为免费,没有游泳基础的同学可以让船员提供救生衣,浮条等

  • 脚蹼的尺寸大小是按颜色来区分,蓝色绿色尺寸较大,橙色粉色尺寸较小

  • 近视的同学,请到船上的小卖部让船员给你近视潜水镜

  • 浮潜前教练会进行培训和指导,教授一些基本的交流手势和水下注意事项

  • 不要单独深潜或擅自脱离队伍,听从教练的安排和指导


  • 泳衣和毛巾、防止暴晒的服装、遮阳帽和防晒霜薄外套、寒冷季节请准备毛衣

  • 现金、信用卡以便支付额外开销


  • 参加水上活动宜结伴同行,需事先了解活动场地是否合法以及各项器材的使用操作,请听从专业教练指导。浮潜装备不能替代游泳能力,不会游泳的客人,请不要尝试

  • 请事先了解地形、潮汐、海流、风向、温度、出入口等因素,如上述因素不适合水上活动,不要勉强参加

  • 参加特殊的活动行程,请严格遵守穿救生衣的规定,且应全程穿着,如活动场地或教练未提供救生衣,则应主动要求

  • 乘坐游艇及水上摩托车,不得跨越安全海域,游客亦不能在水上摩托车、快艇、拖曳伞等水上活动范围区内游泳

  • 注意活动区域的安全标示、救援设备及救生人员的设置地点

  • 应注意自己的身体状况,有心脏病、高血压、感冒、发烧或醉酒的客人,不能参加水上活动,感觉身体疲倦、寒冷时,应立即离水上岸

  • 避免长时间浸在水中或曝晒在阳光下,不能长时间闭气潜水以免造成晕眩发生意外;潜入水里时需使用耳塞,以防水压冲击耳膜造成伤害。浮潜时应携带漂浮装备,切勿让头部先入水

  • 乘坐游艇前应先了解游艇的载客量,如有超载应予拒乘,搭乘时不要集中在甲板一侧,以免船身失去平衡

  • 对于安排的行程之外的各种水上活动,参加前应谨慎评估其安全性及自身的身体状况,量力而行

Refund Policy

Cancellation Date
Cancellation Charge
15 days or ago
Free Cancellation
10~14 day(s)
50 %
0~10 day(s)
No cancellations



Add to Cart:

From Airlie Beach
Single Tent
$807.5 $806.4 AUD  ≈  ¥3951.36 Yuan
Double Tent (per person)
$607.5 $594.2 AUD  ≈  ¥2911.58 Yuan
Reefworld Underwater Single Room
$1211.5 $1246.9 AUD  ≈  ¥6109.81 Yuan
Reefworld Underwater Double Room (per person)
$811.5 $827.6 AUD  ≈  ¥4055.24 Yuan
From Hamilton Island
Single Tent
$795 $795.8 AUD  ≈  ¥3899.42 Yuan
Double Tent (per person)
$595 $583.6 AUD  ≈  ¥2859.64 Yuan
Reefworld Underwater Single Room
$1199 $1241.6 AUD  ≈  ¥6083.84 Yuan
Reefworld Underwater Double Room (per person)
$799 $817 AUD  ≈  ¥4003.3 Yuan
 Suspended due to outbreak 
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