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Isle of Pines

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Australia - Queensland
Isle of Pines, New Caledonia


Isle of Pines (Isle of Pines, French: v le des Pins) is an island of French New Caledonia (New Caledonia, French: Nouvelle- cal é donie, located south-east of (Grande Terre), the main island of New Caledonia, covering an area of 152.3 square kilometres. The resident population is about 2000, most of them Melanesians.

Isle of Pines is known by the locals as the closest island to heaven (lxx39; le la plus proche du paradis), with its white beaches, and the color of the sea spreading through layers of water as the water deepens. The famous Queen Horton Cave (Queen Hortense's Cave, French: Grotte de la Reine Hortense) has a variety of amazing limestone formation structure, the cave entrance director has a lot of exquisite vines, it is worth seeing; And the local famous traditional food: Bougna au Poulet, is extraordinarily delicious and delicious.

Isle of Pines, with its rich cultural heritage of aborigines and European colonists, begins by visiting a series of historic sites and daily life on the island through visits to villages, markets, churches, and natural scenery. Unique flowers and animals, as well as the customs and traditions of people on the island to understand.

Vao (VAO) and Courto (Kuto) are the two largest towns on the island, where most of the island's population lives. There is a small airport on the island where: ILP), has flights to and from Noum é a, the capital of New Caledonia, and (Noumea), the capital of New Caledonia, can also travel by ferry from Noum é a.

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