
Mo Suisse's personal score in the poll was higher than that of Schotton, and he was defeated by Tan Bao.

[Current News]     17 Sep 2018
The survey found Morrison was ahead of Sheldon in leadership. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)According to the Sydney Morning Herald, polls show that Australian voters are more supportive of Prime Minister Mosuisse (Scott Morrison) than Labour leader Sheldon (Bill Shorten). In terms of key leadership qualities such as trust and economic management
Mo Suisse's personal score in the poll was higher than that of Schotton, and he was defeated by Tan Bao.

The survey found Morrison was ahead of Sheldon in leadership. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, polls show that Australian voters are more supportive of Prime Minister Mosuisse (Scott Morrison) than Labour leader Sheldon (Bill Shorten). In terms of key leadership qualities such as trust and economic management

According to the Fairfax-Ipsos survey, 49 percent of voters believe Mosuisse is trustworthy and 39 percent support Sheldon; in economic policy, 66 percent support him and 47 percent support him.

However, in the bipartisan choice, Labour is still 53% to 47% ahead of the coalition. Four weeks ago, Labour was 55% to 45% ahead of the Union in its last Fafus-Ipsos survey.

Among the seven key indicators, voters scored credit Morrison higher than Sheldon. Among them, in terms of vision for Australia`s future, Morrison led with 51% to 47%; in terms of capabilities, he also led with 64% to 57%.

However, given the Liberal leadership struggle last month, only 49 percent of voters believe Mr Mosuisse has confidence in the party, while Schotton has as much as 70 percent.

In terms of social policy, Mr Shelton is also far ahead of Mr Mosuisse, who has 57 per cent of voters and only 49 per cent of voters.

The government has criticized Sheldon`s trade union background. In that regard, 50 percent of voters said Mr Shelton was "vulnerable to minority influence," compared with 38 percent for Mr Mosuisse.

Polls show that despite Mr Mosuisse`s success in forcing former Prime Minister Tan Po to step down, he is still unable to beat Mr Tan on some key indicators.

In terms of competence, foresight, economic policy and foreign policy, Mr Mosuisse scored less than Mr Tan. 64 percent of voters supported him, compared with just 50 percent. In the Feinfas-Ipsos poll in June, 55% of voters believed Mr Tan had confidence in the party.

On 17 September, the Federal Assembly resumed its session. Sheldon told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that he would not comment on the polls. He also said the last leader who was worried about the poll was likely to be "in New York". Tan Bao is currently on holiday in New York. "I don`t think it would do me a lot of harm not to discuss the polls," he said.

The Soyuz party`s preferred vote ratio rose from 33 percent to 34 percent, the Labour Party fell from 35 percent to 31 percent, and the Greens rose from 13 percent to 15 percent, compared with the results released on August 19.

The survey interviewed 1200 voters September 12-15, an error of 2.9 percent.

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