
With effect from July 1, some immigrants are no longer entitled to this naturalization benefit

[Current News]     11 Jun 2018
The Ministry of the Interior will cancel the preferential policy of naturalization for some benefit-receiving immigrants (. (SBS photo)
With effect from July 1, some immigrants are no longer entitled to this naturalization benefit

The Ministry of the Interior will cancel the preferential policy of naturalization for some benefit-receiving immigrants (. (SBS photo)

According to the SBS, Australia`s Home Affairs Secretary Dudon (Peter Dutton) will cancel the naturalization fee concession for some of the benefit recipients, including pensioners, veterans and widows, according to a report by Australia`s Home Affairs Secretary, Mr (Peter Dutton). They will have to pay a full fee when applying for naturalization.

Most people are required to pay A $285 for naturalization, but widows, long struggling pensioners and widows, receive A $20 or A $40 in concessionary prices.

But last Thursday, Dutton filed a legislative document that would remove the concessions and take effect from July 1.

The new regulations will mainly affect those who hold the pensioner`s preferential card (pensioner concession card) and those who receive certain benefits, including the new starting point (Newstart) job search allowance, pension allowance (Aged Pension), Recipients of disability assistance allowance (Disability Support Pension) and child care allowance.

Pensioner cards, veterans who receive old-age services, disability or spouse benefits, and widows who hold health-care cards will also lose their benefits.

The new rules also apply to second-time naturalists, who pay full fees for each subsequent application.

The Greens are reported to have promised to try to overthrow the new rule in next week`s session of Congress. The Australian National Community Union Council, (Federation of Ethnic Communities), which represents immigrant groups, is also calling for the rule to be lifted.

"this is difficult and unnecessary," Petsos (Mary Patetsos), chairman of the Council of the Union of National Communities, told SBS. What puzzles me is why you have to set up a big obstacle for Australian residents who are eligible to apply for citizenship to choose between naturalization and payment, "he said.

In the past 12 months, only 3 percent of those who applied for naturalization (not by "descent" or "adoption") passed the naturalization exam, a spokesman for the interior ministry said.

Australian naturalization fees remain internationally competitive and are among the lowest among OECD (OECD) members. The department is committed to ensuring that the application fee complies with the Australian Government cost recovery guidelines (Australian Government Cost Recovery Guidelines). "

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