
The popularity of the new crown exacerbates Americans' aversion to 'made in China'

2019-nCoV Special
[China News]     18 May 2020
American antipathy to chinese-made products has intensified as the new coronavirus spreads in the us, according to a report ​ deutsche bank.
The popularity of the new crown exacerbates Americans' aversion to 'made in China'

A store selling Christmas products at Yiwu Wholesale Market, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China, December 17,2018

A Deutsche Bank report showed that Americans` aversion to Chinese-made products intensified as the new coronavirus spread in the United States.

About 41% of americans said they would not buy chinese-made products again, according to a survey dbDig by deutsche bank`s big data platform. Valia (Apjit Walia), the bank`s general manager for technology investment strategy, recently referred to the survey in a report.

At the end of last year, the outbreak of the new crown disease virus from Wuhan, China, has spread all over the world, causing huge personal and property losses, and also leading to increased tension relationship between the United States and China. Trump government accused China of concealing important information about the epidemic, and some medical equipment imported from China was also unqualified.

More than two-thirds of Americans resent China, according to the Pew Research Center, a leading pollster in the United States.

The poll was conducted from March 3 to 29, when the new crown outbreak broke out in the United States. According to the survey, negative perceptions of China have risen consistently, regardless of age, education 、 income, party affiliation, etc.

For most of his time in the white house, the us president Trump fought a trade war with china, imposing punitive tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of chinese goods, and trying to reverse unfair trade practices such as china`s forced technology transfer.

Trump a long-term commitment to bringing manufacturing back home, the White House is accelerating the move from China to move production.

Trump on thursday warned of a new tax on u.s. companies that produce goods outside the u.s., saying the new coronavirus has exposed supply chain weaknesses as critical product supplies are cut.

"I said we shouldn`t have a supply chain. America should produce everything. we have company to do these. If we don`t (these products), then we can (produce it). "

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