
Wuhan epidemic area

2019-nCoV Special
[China News]     23 Feb 2020
Last week, we received a submission from an epidemic area in Wuhan. A father who stayed in Wuhan said: In a short period of 28 days, he experienced his wife's return home with a new coronavirus condition, mother-in-law infection in hospital, father-in-law and one-year-old son and other family isolation, but he cannot leave Han. He broke down, he had no choice...

Narrator: Lao Liu

Last week, we received a submission from an epidemic area in Wuhan. A father who stayed in Wuhan said:

In a short period of 28 days, he experienced his wife`s return home with a new coronavirus condition, mother-in-law infection in hospital, father-in-law and one-year-old son and other family isolation, but he cannot leave Han.

He broke down, he had no choice...

However, he still forced calm down, in Wuhan through all the telephone coordination, one by one help information release and docking, remote rescue.

Love across the mountains and seas, mountains and seas can be flat.

This is the insistence of a father and a husband.

Here are his true memories and records of the days.

I am a native of Wuhan and my wife is from Sanmenxia. We met and fell in love in Wuhan.

On January 30,2019, the son was born, and because his grandparents were not well, grandma and grandfather were in their hometown, and the children were our little two.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2019, because we were too busy at work, we decided to send our son to grandma`s house in Henan for a while.

Unexpectedly, the decision to send his son away became the trigger for the death of the whole family.

These days, every morning I wake up and think: maybe it`s just a dream...

1.18(December 24)

Wife takes train home, new crown pneumonia allegedly`will not pass on`

According to the company regulations, we are December 28 official holiday.

Wife asked for leave in advance to return home, ready to help his father-in-law and mother-in-law Zhang Luo Spring Festival.

I gave her a high-speed rail ticket for January 18th, and my ticket was 21st, two or three days late, with plans to end the year before.

New Year`s Day, the news of the new crown pneumonia in Wuhan, I have read lilac mother`s article, some understanding of the virus and prevention, in advance also hoarding two boxes of N95 masks.

But to tell the truth, most of wuhan citizens, including me, did not pay much attention and alert, the news of those days has always said that "no one will pass on, no panic ", our family is also very careful, have not been to the seafood market, thinking that it should be nothing.

Henan`s wife`s family should be safer.

The mask was bought, but I didn`t put it in my wife`s bag. If I used the N95, it probably wouldn`t have happened.

Before I left on January 18th, I told my wife to be careful on the way and call me at home.

Thinking, a few days can be a family reunion, the heart is full of joy.

Before the storm, everything was so calm.

1.19(December 25)

Wife in hospital with fever, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son in isolation

On the morning of January 19, I received my wife`s social app.

"I have a fever, maybe flu. 」

The wife said she got home the night before a bit uncomfortable, cough, fever about 38 degrees,39 degrees look, but the spirit is OK.

She said she was going to the county hospital." Don`t infect the elderly and baby."

The wife then went to the fever clinic in the county hospital and made a blood routine.

Although cannot see too big a problem, but in view of the epidemic, the wife is back to the local area from Wuhan epidemic area, doctors are still more vigilant, said must stay, cannot follow up, and then opened some follow-up examination list.

The wife then went into the hospital, and she was a little worried about the video with me.

I said," it`s okay, the virus won`t pass on, you`re just a cold, and I`ll be there in two more days."

County hospital doctors are very careful, told his mother-in-law at home to carry out home isolation.

I called the two old men and asked them to stock up and bring baby at home.

1.20(December 26)

His wife`s condition improved and Chung Nam Shan declared her new crown pneumonia`to be confirmed`

On January 20, his wife`s condition improved, fever but not bad.

Been coughing.

The doctor took her first CT shot yesterday, and today`s result:" Double lung hair glass shape, suspected new pneumonia."

Wuhan epidemic area

Source: Author

I vaguely felt something was wrong, but I was afraid to think about it.

During the night before going to bed with my wife`s video, I pretended to be very calm, my wife also watched a lot of news during the day with her cell phone, very nervous, has been blaming myself:

"If I do, I am a sinner. 」

"What about my parents? Is the child in danger? 」

I comfort her, nothing, will not be passed on, you see our relatives and friends are not ill ah, I am also fine ah, this kind of thing will not happen to us.

Unexpectedly, a prophecy.

1.21(December 27)

When my wife got worse, I decided to stay in isolation

Today was originally my high-speed train, back to Sanmenxia.

In the morning, my wife reported on her social app: low fever, good spirits, and I had a little snack.

Maybe she`s not really a new coronary pneumonia, maybe in two days she`ll be ready and she`ll be home.

I began to brush the Timeline and the news, saw yesterday Zhong Nanshan came to Wuhan, said the news of the people.

Wuhan epidemic area

Pictured:@CCTV News Weibo screenshot

My heart thumped, this statement completely overturned the previous statement ah! Things may be more serious than I thought...

All kinds of information in Timeline, like the expansion of the rush to think of my wife`s illness, I feel confused.

Wife is 18 night symptoms, if she is really a new coronary pneumonia, I am also very dangerous.

Now there are so many people out of the country, in case they get infected on the road. Going back not only can`t take care of wife and children, but also infect old children.

Otherwise don`t go back, return the ticket.

I prepared a video to tell her about my decision, before the fight was still full of fear that she would be sad, also afraid that she felt that she could not stand alone.

But after my wife listened to me, she was very supportive, she was also very worried, did not want to let me and into danger.

"Safety and health are more important than coming back for the New Year... 」

I quickly began to prepare for home isolation, food and disinfection supplies reserve, to Wuhan`s father and mother also called to explain the urgency of the matter, arrange the elderly material storage.

My wife gave me some bad news on a video call over 10 p.m.:

She started having a sudden high fever at night and couldn`t stand down 41 degrees.

The same day the nucleic acid test, also came out. The result: positive.

She couldn`t help but cry in the video.

After more than 20 minutes of trying to calm down and comforting my wife, I hung up and quickly asked for a call from the head of the hospital`s infection department, asking about her treatment and real-time condition.

I also learned that the hospital has only two diagnosed new coronary pneumonia patients, one is my wife, and another child in wuhan university, from hubei home to visit relatives.

Wuhan epidemic area

Photo Source: Station Cool Helo

The director said his wife`s sudden high fever at night was a bad sign that "the condition is likely to develop."

Now, doctors know little about the new virus, and they can only do their best if they don`t know how to treat it in the current medical conditions.

I lay in bed, closed my eyes and could not sleep at all, thinking of my wife.

and the father-in-law and mother-in-law, and the son, hope they are all right.

The phone was by the pillow, full of electricity.

For the first time in years, I was afraid of getting a call.

I`m worried about a phone call to my wife and bad news. I`m worried about a phone call, and she`s gone.

1.22(December 28)

His wife`s condition turned straight and her lungs were completely white

Sleepless last night.

The news that my wife had been diagnosed with a new type of pneumonia was too late for me to respond.

Wuhan epidemic area

Photo Source: Station Cool Helo

In the morning my wife and I dialed the video, when the picture was turned on, the wife did not have the strength to hold the mobile phone, can only put next to the pillow.

Her face was poor, her eyes deep, and she was in a bad state of mind.

I say a few words to return a few words, and then cough and gasp.

I feel so powerless that I can`t do anything.

If I didn`t send my son back to Sanmenxia and stay in Wuhan, if my wife and I buy the same day`s train ticket together, if I told her to wear a mask on the train on the 18th, it wouldn`t be like this.

Then I got a call from the director, and worse news came.

"[ Your wife`s] second CT result came out and the lungs were completely white. 」

"You have to prepare for the worst as a family. The patient is already showing signs of respiratory failure. 」

At this end of the phone, I can only "uh-huh" the response.

After hanging up the phone, I couldn`t help choking up.

Clearly a family is still happy to prepare for the New Year, how suddenly so? Why?

In the afternoon, my wife and I videoed, she struggled to say only a few words intermittently: the second time... CT... The result... Come out?

I can only haw to comfort: experts are still watching it, fortunately, you must not worry too much.

The doctor told me in advance and my parents-in-law that don`t tell her the result, fear that she would have been very frightened, and if we had told her that, she might have given up.

But I can see that she knows her body.

She gasped for breath, tears, and charged me out of breath:

"This time... Ah, I want... It doesn`t work out, husband... You must... Got ta get the baby... Old man... Bring it... 」

Then tell me where the home bank card is, what`s the password...

I endure tears, how I wish I can accompany her side! But I can`t do anything!

This kind of deep self-reproach and guilt almost suffocated me, but, I know not to collapse, I remind myself that I must calm down.

I comfort her: the death cases on the news are older people with other underlying diseases. You`re young, you can get through it. And the children? Don`t give up, you have to think about the child.

The wife was over there, nodding feebly.

After hanging up the video, I hastened to call my father-in-law and mother-in-law to ask them if they had anything to do, to cheer up and son video.

The son smiled innocently on the phone." Dad "cried, waving two little meat hands trying to grab the phone.

Holding a cell phone mother-in-law, haggard a lot.

We can only wait for a miracle to happen.

1.23(December 29)

The wife developed into a critical illness, and Wuhan officially closed the city

At 10 a.m., Wuhan Fengcheng, on the third day of my cancellation of train tickets.

Wuhan new coronavirus infection pneumonia prevention and control headquarters released: bus, subway, ferry, long-distance passenger suspension; airport, train station from the han channel temporarily closed.

A number of provinces are also on alert.

Wife`s not getting better.

Wuhan epidemic area

Photo Source: Station Cool Helo

The doctor at the hospital called me to say that she had a vague state of consciousness, that her condition had worsened and had developed into a critical condition, and that I had to be prepared psychologically, and they could only do their best to save it.

After talking to the doctor, my mother called me.

Hearing the news, my mother cried:

"Let`s sell the house, smash the pot and sell the iron to save the life. 」

I was on the phone when my tears fell...

But I know very well that at this time, it is really not just a matter of money.

I also really realized that I cannot panic, absolutely not to panic! If then panic, the consequences will be very serious, if the wife is not, the family may really be gone.

I am the child`s father, is the wife`s dependence, also is the father-in-law`s mother-in-law`s reassurance, although I am in Wuhan, but oneself must soberly, must carry first, seeks the solution.

I quickly called the doctor, the doctor told me, the hospital has made an expert video consultation for my wife`s situation: like my wife`s new critical patients, the existing emergency equipment is limited, such as ventilator and so on are relatively scarce, suggested that my wife to Zhengzhou City`s large hospital for treatment.

However, the transfer needs to be approved, and these are no precedent, how easy to talk about?

I keep checking phone calls at home, call the provincial health committee, health and health committee, county health and health committee, call the CDC of provinces, cities and counties, call the women`s federation.

Tell the wife over and over again.

"Will verify the information and contact you as soon as possible. 」

1.24~1.27(Year 30~ First month 3)

The wife was finally transferred to hospital

New Year`s Eve to the third day of the first month, everyone is reunited.

Wuhan epidemic area of the new year, a bit sad.

Boiled water, instant noodles, is my New Year`s Eve meal.

I have hardly been able to close my eyes these days. During the day, I was either contacting the parties, calling departments for help, or calling doctors, parents-in-law and parents-in-law.

Every morning I open my eyes and I hope it`s all a dream.

My wife, as a local first and only severe patient, and the related units said that I am the patient`s family, they will soon be able to match the number.

I also began to think of a variety of channels and methods, send a Timeline Weibo, looking for friends and relatives around, looking for media friends to forward, their own timeline help.

Wuhan epidemic area

Source: Author

After the news, there were a lot of media and volunteers added to me that day, said willing to help run.

Good news came from the local health and health committee and the hospital: his wife could be transferred to the Henan Provincial People`s Hospital in Zhengzhou for treatment.

Thanks to President Zhang and Director Meng in the hospital, but also thanks to the expert consultation after the evaluation results, to help persuade them, finally agreed to transfer.

This day, a big stone in my heart, fell to the ground.

1.28(Year 4)

Wife`s vital signs stable, mother-in-law diagnosed father-in-law and son segregated

Today, his wife`s condition has improved, in the county hospital, also used globulin and some other drugs, vital signs stabilized, although still burning is still panting, but also slowly can receive video.

She didn`t ask much about her condition, she just kept asking about her son and me and my family.

She`s just stabilized a little bit. At this time, I received a phone call from my father-in-law:

Mother-in-law had a fever and was diagnosed with the new coronavirus, which was treated in isolation.

I`m confused again...

It`s a real disaster. What about it?

After the mother-in-law`s diagnosis was completed, there were also local documents requiring my father-in-law and my son, and the younger brother and daughter of my wife, who lived at home, to move from home to centralized isolation.

That is, a father-in-law in his sixties must live alone in a small room for 14 days with a child under the age of one.

The wife, who was just getting better, broke down even more when she heard the news. Crying while coughing, constantly self-reproach.

"I hurt my mom and my dad, they... What would I do if they had one? 」

I knew I couldn`t help comforting her at this time, but I told her.

"The first is that no one wants this to happen, the second is that this thing is passed on, and the infection is very fast, and we don`t know it at all. 」

The wife still blamed herself, saying how she didn`t expect to wear a mask at train.

More comfort is to no avail, can only silently accompany her crying.

Hope heaven bless, mother-in-law condition timely control, father-in-law and son will not be infected.

1.29(Year 5)

A successful transfer of his wife`s life

On the morning of the 29th, his wife took a negative-pressure ambulance and arrived at the Henan Provincial People`s Hospital in Zhengzhou on time in the afternoon.

Finally successfully transferred to the ICU.

The wife`s whole vital signs, slowly become stable. The doctor also said her lung infection was recovering.

There was good news from her mother-in-law: xinguan is mild, because there are already several sets of diagnosis and treatment, and the hospital has taken some more effective treatment.

But the mother-in-law has a long-term chronic stomach disease, so some drugs on the stomach irritation, will lead to her in the diet cannot eat more nutrition, eat vomit, the overall recovery will be relatively slow.

I am very worried that these complications will drag the mother-in-law`s body down, quickly communicate with the hospital coordination, to the mother-in-law a little amino acid such a nutrient.

In the afternoon, my wife and I videoed some of the latest news to her: mother-in-law is still in the hospital treatment, but it is mild, father-in-law and son`s condition is good.

About the outbreak in Wuhan, about the national epidemic, about the other details, we both avoided as much as possible.

No bad news is the best news.

During the evening, I lay in bed and couldn`t get my hands on Timeline. I saw someone retweeting "5 million people from Wuhan," and many people on the Internet called them people fleeing the plague.

The heart is very uncomfortable, no one wants to develop into such.

They`re probably just a normal Chinese New Year homer, or a college student.

They want to live, like everyone else.

1.30-2.6(June - January 13)

Watch the countdown to the calendar and spend your days like years

The wife`s condition gradually improved, to the city hospital on the third day from the ICU to the intensive care unit.

Mother-in-law is 28 symptoms, according to the regular course of the new crown, this week is a critical period of development.

The father-in-law and son were then quarantined, requiring a period of 14 days.

These days, I still have a separate video phone call with my wife`s father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Casually fooling around eating, breaking fingers, looking at the calendar count days.

I calculate, calculate the day, they can release the isolation, calculate the day, can escape the danger.

The only happy thing is another day.

This day, no bad news is good news.

On January 30, it was my son`s first birthday and I wasn`t around.

I give video to my father - in - law and son in quarantine.

Although my son couldn`t talk to me, he was just a year old and didn`t know anything yet. I would make fun of him, talk to him and make a face.

It is gratifying to note that, despite such a change, the child is not much affected.

Listening to his father-in-law, his temperature is normal, his spirit is very good, his diet is very regular, and the amount of food is very normal.

But the father-in-law in the video lost a lap and looked several years old.

On the one hand is too tired to take the child, on the other hand, worried about the child sick, on the other hand, my mother-in-law and my wife side of the situation.

But his father-in-law was also very strong, never said that he was very tired, and did not show their concerns in front of me.

The outbreak has left families suffering...

Good in February 6, far in Zhengzhou hospital`s wife, after the third CT, the film shows: infection was suppressed, the condition has improved significantly.

Wuhan epidemic area

Source: Author

2.7(January 14)

When the ambulance came, who was taken away?

Today the mother-in-law`s second nucleic acid result came out: negative. The doctor said he could stop the stomach-stimulating medicine and leave the hospital after a recovery.

At eight o`clock in the morning, I got a call from my father.

Father these days, also have been taking the time to call me, he himself is not well, but also worried about daughter-in-law and her family situation, I said: their situation, basically stable, daughter-in-law out of danger.

He was on the other end of the phone, so he dared to tell me about his two old classmates because they had the virus.

He even sighed and read a few lines:

"Last year, in this door, people`s faces turned red. People do not know where to face, peach blossom still smile spring breeze. "I`ve seen both of these old classmates. Just a month ago, when I was dating my father for the New Year, I had a little meeting.

The epidemic will pass, and the others will meet again, and the two will never be able to participate.

"I was frightened to hear the sound of an ambulance coming downstairs. 」

"Who knows who will take the next? 」

We thought we could control a lot of things, but actually we couldn`t control anything.

At midnight, Dr. Li Wenliang brushed the screen.

Wuhan epidemic area

Image caption A screenshot of the lilac garden social app article

Looking at him on photo, I just remembered that in 2018 or 2019, I had a little disease in my eyes, and then went to the central hospital to see it.

He examined my eyes, prescribed medicine, and asked me to review my medication on time.

A young man younger than me.

And it was the doctor who showed me the eyes... Such an ordinary and ordinary person, even that time did not let me remember, so gone, so sad....

At the time, my friend liu and his wife, who were also on the line in wuhan, were fighting day and night on the front lines for weeks.

The line of medical staff, really great, too difficult.

The treatment of my wife and mother-in-law in Henan local health care and staff, also worked hard.

When the epidemic is over, I`ll thank you in person.

2.14(21 January)

The father-in-law`s son is isolated and his mother-in-law is out of danger

At last he was relieved

Yesterday afternoon, my father-in-law finally went home from quarantine.

This makes my inner fear a little less, and I can think less.

Called a video to his wife in the morning, told her that the father-in-law isolation is over, mother-in-law over there also resolved, in more than a week, can be discharged.

Her side, finally relieved...

I also told her that my son in the video, will use Henan dialect to call Grandpa, and every time with me video, but also very happy to call Dad.

She smiled.

The epidemic continues and I am still trapped in Wuhan.

It`s like a siege, no one`s coming in, no one`s going out.

I don`t know how long I`ll see my wife and children.

In retrospect: those hard-working days of a family of three together are the best days.

During the evening and my son`s video, I thought over and over again, maybe some Spring Festival, my son would ask me at the table:

"Dad, what happened to Spring Festival in 2020? 」

"Dad, why weren`t our family together that Spring Festival? 」

How should I tell him all this.

At night, sitting at the computer, I tried to leave some words for my son.

I hope to remember.

Dear son:

The other day was your 1st birthday.

You came to our house at this time last year and brought us endless joy and joy.

The year 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year, the outbreak of the new corona virus, Wuhan City and even Hubei Province throughout the blockade, this is unprecedented, both natural and man-made disasters.

Your mother and grandma were infected by the outbreak and treated for isolation in the home hospital. It was also the first time that grandma had taken care of them.

Dad`s home in Wuhan for home isolation. Dad is useless, now in Wuhan can do nothing.

My father is also constantly reflecting, if your mother and I can shoulder more responsibilities, can undertake more, perhaps now we all these things will not happen. Your mother has been deeply self-reproaching in the intensive care unit these days.

But if, after all, this has happened, all we can do is face the truth.

When you grow up and hear about what`s going on today, you probably don`t care. You don`t even think it`s a big deal." Isn`t it just a virus? It`s like a cold."

And the reason why this passage stays at this time is to hope that when you grow up to know what happened that winter, and some names and things, we have to remember.

Your mother and grandma are brave, she is brave to face the disease, with the medical staff to fight the virus, in the high fever for nearly a week, brave to fight the virus!

Grandpa and uncle and aunt are not easy, has been hard for your mother and me, hard to take care of you.

There are several names to remember: Zhong Nanshan, Li Lanjuan, Li Wenliang, they are all first-line medical workers, they are one of the many heroes in this epidemic.

And dad`s friends: your big uncle Liu and big happy aunts, they are also brave dedication. Now in the hospital, fighting the virus, treating patients, taking care of patients.

Including the doctors who treated your mom and grandma, nurse...

As you grow older, you may find them as ordinary and as ordinary as the rest of the world around you.

But what they do right now, we should remember for a lifetime, without them, who would have fought bravely for us at such a time? They`re protecting us with their lives.

You should be grateful for their bravery and dedication.

We`re just a normal family in central storm central. Father and mother are ordinary people, too.

We all suffered direct and indirect damage from the virus in this outbreak, but the epidemic will eventually pass and life will need to continue.

Although my child, you are young, not yet to understand the moment... But someday, you will understand.

Dad wants you to remember that winter from 2019 to 2020, and hopefully you know exactly what happened that winter.

Father wishes you grow up, but also have a tough character and hope.

Dad wants your life to be safe and colorful.

Wuhan epidemic area

Photo Source: Station Cool Helo

Responsible Editor: Pick-up Sakura

Cover Picture Source: Station Cool Helo

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