
[Education News]     03 Aug 2018
One in six teenagers in Australia have experienced homelessness and domestic violence is the main cause of their runaways, according to new survey data.

One in six teenagers in Australia have experienced homelessness and domestic violence is the main cause of their runaways, according to new survey data.

慈善机构“澳洲使命”(Mission Australia)在对2.1万15-19岁年龄群体的青少年的年度调查中,首次询问他们在过去的三个月中是否因为感到在家里住不下去了,而离家出走。

The results of a survey released by Australian mission groups on Wednesday showed that last year, 1 / 6 respondents of that age group responded to this question in Australia with the highest percentage of respondents in Western Australia, who responded to the question with the highest percentage of "yes", reaching 1 to 5. Victoria had the lowest percentage of respondents, 1 to 8.

Thumi (James Toomey), head of Australia`s mission group, said they decided to investigate the increase in homelessness among young people after hearing reports from the agency.

Young people often experience "invisible homelessness," living in shelters, makeshift homes or sofa surfing (the way CouchSurfing, sleeps on someone else`s couch for a short period of time).

"Domestic violence is the main cause of homelessness." Tui told the Australian New Society, the "For young people, they may choose to run away."

"it also means that a child who leaves with an adult or parent eventually finds himself homeless."


The charity called on the government to develop a national homelessness strategy, especially prevention measures that focus on young people.

"this means working with the family system to provide stable support for families with family barriers and domestic violence." He said, "or develop a strategy to keep them safe from home and move to the right place to live."

Nearly 1-5% of teenagers sleeping on the sofa had their first experience of sleeping on the couch under the age of 12.

One in seven teenagers left home for more than six months, the survey found.

Thumi says moving forward is an important step in addressing homelessness.

"give people the opportunity to talk about their homelessness, so get rid of it and get the support they can get."


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