
Who's the general election? The woman's direct and white answer led the net friend to go crazy.

[Current News]     17 May 2019
Adelaide woman bluntly says she will vote to help end the marijuana ban (Daily Mail Photo)According to the Daily Mail, Australia`s federal election is approaching on May 18, with most residents voting for Liberal Party (Liberal) or Labour Party (Labor), but some residents vote for minority parties.
Who's the general election? The woman's direct and white answer led the net friend to go crazy.

Adelaide woman bluntly says she will vote to help end the marijuana ban (Daily Mail Photo)

According to the Daily Mail, Australia`s federal election is approaching on May 18, with most residents voting for Liberal Party (Liberal) or Labour Party (Labor), but some residents vote for minority parties.

One of them is a woman outside the Adelaide polling station in South Australia.

In an interview, the woman said bluntly that she would vote for a party that advocates the legalization of drug.

The woman smiled and said, "I choose the party I support based on my way of life, so I vote for the marijuana party (Marijuana Party)."

It helped to end the marijuana ban (HEMP) party`s policy, including the re-legalization of marijuana, the control of the individual, medical and industrial use of marijuana. The party also seeks to "separate from the black market crime and end the relevant corrupt activities" marijuana.

In just 13 hours, the video has been viewed 39281 times, attracting hundreds of comments.

One netizen commented: "God bless her bad mouth."

Others said that this is the reason why the referendum should not be forced.

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