
New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

[International News]     26 Dec 2018
A while ago, the legalization of marijuana in Canada triggered heated discussion around the world.Last week, New Zealand`s government also officially announced that a referendum will be held during the 2020 government election, for the people to decide whether or not "marijuana should be legalized".

A while ago, the legalization of marijuana in Canada triggered heated discussion around the world.

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

Last week, New Zealand`s government also officially announced that a referendum will be held during the 2020 government election, for the people to decide whether or not "marijuana should be legalized".

Although there are many variables, a poll last year showed that 65% of New Zealanders supported the legalization of marijuana.

In addition, just this month, New Zealand`s medical marijuana has become legal.

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

So New Zealand`s 2020 marijuana referendum seems predictable.

Our neighbors have taken such a big step that some Australian politicians are unable to sit down, saying: if Australia does not follow suit, it will lag behind the world trend.

Senator Larissa Waters of the Green Party of Queensland said: Australia`s marijuana legalization, now "just in time", if we do not act late!

"1/3 of Australians have used marijuana, and the vast majority of Australians believe that using marijuana should not be a crime."

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

She also said:

"now that Canada, some states in the United States and New Zealand are pushing for legalization, Australia could be left behind if it continues to support failed experiments."

"drug use is a health problem, not a crime issue. We all know that declaring War on drug is a failed public policy that has destroyed the lives of thousands of Australians. The most dangerous thing about marijuana is that it is still illegal, that is, people are going to be arrest or jailed for using marijuana. "

The editor summed up this big passage: 1/3 of Australians have had a public opinion base for legalizing marijuana, marijuana;

The previous anti-anaesthesia policy has been proved to be ineffective, and the illegality of the marijuana is the most dangerous!

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

The United States, mentioned by the congressman, did not slow down the road to legalizing the marijuana.

Last Monday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo publicly called on: New York states to legalize marijuana.

In Australia, there is little talk of legalization of marijuana, but the Greens are very radical, calling directly for marijuana to be fully legalized.

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

"the Green Party of Australia has proposed to legalize the marijuana and put in place corresponding regulatory policies," the Waters MP said earlier.

"the approach we propose would be to defeat the marijuana-trafficking crime of gane overnight, contributing 2 billion a year to the country, and that money could be used to fund schools, hospitals, and provide essential services to the people."

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

Is the attitude of the people towards marijuana, as the Honourable member said, exactly what the Honourable member said?

Here are some of the following comments on the news.

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

The current drug policy is really messy and has lost a lot of money. It`s time to regulate the marijuana: legally sold and taxed.

Now the world should legalize the marijuana, time will not wait!

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

Which part of the world has ever had an effect on drugs? After a hundred years of drug control, is the number of drug in circulation on the market a record? So-called stupidity is to repeat the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. It`s time to try a different approach, which is to treat drug addiction as a health problem, as well as tobacco and alcohol addiction.

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

Can`t wait, Australia really should legalize marijuana.

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

I sympathize with parents who have lost their children because of mental health. However, this should not be blamed on marijuana. I`m a paramedic in the A & E department. I`ve never seen anyone who takes marijuana in the department I serve, but I`ve seen a lot of drunk people come to see a doctor, and I`ve seen a lot of people dying from alcohol abuse. Declaring war on the drug is just a political propaganda. The current policy only allows criminals to make more money.

New Zealand may legalize marijuana in 2020, Australian MP: Australia follows up immediately

I haven`t smoked marijuana for 30 years, but marijuana is less harmful than alcohol.

Summarize the opinions that support the legalization of marijuana, including: the harm of marijuana is small, even less than the harm of alcohol;

The ineffectiveness of the ban will only allow criminals to make more money.

So, if we hold a referendum on marijuana now, how will we vote?

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