
Australian Prime Minister refuses to sign UN Migration Agreement

[Current News]     21 Nov 2018
Prime Minister Morrison is expected to announce today that Australia will refuse to sign a UN immigration agreement.

Prime Minister Morrison is expected to announce today that Australia will refuse to sign a UN immigration agreement.

He said the signing of the agreement would threaten to undermine the Unionparty government`s current tough border protection policy.

Australian Prime Minister refuses to sign UN Migration Agreement

He told the Australian newspaper that the agreement would reduce the federal government`s ability to distinguish illegal immigrants and settle refugee in Australia through normal channels.

In addition, the United States and several European countries have refused to sign the deal, fearing that it could challenge their own immigration policies.

The European countries that followed the United States and did not sign the agreement included:

  • CZ (Czech Republic)
  • Austria (国名, 位于欧洲中部)
  • Hungary

In 2017 / 18, Unionparty government received 16250 eligible formal refugee to settle in Australia.

Among them, Australia issued 7800 refugee visas to Syrians and Iraqis.

The next year, Australia received a total of 13750 regular refugee.

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