
New Senator Moran denounced too many immigrants and called for a war between Australia and China.

[Current News]     17 Feb 2018
Retired General Moran. (photo by Australian newspaper)Retired General Moran (Jim Molan) took advantage of his first speech as a senator to warn Australian cities that they are struggling with culture and other aspects in the face of "excessive" legal immigrants. And it says it will inevitably clash with China.

Retired General Moran. (photo by Australian newspaper)

Retired General Moran (Jim Molan) took advantage of his first speech as a senator to warn Australian cities that they are struggling with culture and other aspects in the face of "excessive" legal immigrants. And it says it will inevitably clash with China.

According to the Australian newspaper, the newly appointed Senator of the Liberal Party of the New State did not agree with Albert (Tony Abbott) `s call to "reduce immigration", but also said the number of immigrants may be too large.

"controlling our borders and immigration is very important to me and to most Australians," he said in a speech to Congress on Wednesday afternoon.

Moran noted that Unionparty had effectively protected Australia`s borders since taking office and that few now believe the opposition party can do so, but now he is concerned about the number of legal immigrants. After controlling the border, Australian cities are struggling to absorb that number of immigrants in terms of culture and infrastructure.

Moran is one of the founders of sovereignty Frontier Operation (Operation Sovereign Borders), which he upholds as a "life-saving" policy of "stopping intruders", and the Australian Defense Forces are at their best since the end of the Vietnam War.

Speaking of international affairs, Moran warned that the United States "may no longer stand as straight or tall as we would like."

He also believed that military conflict with China was inevitable, and pointed out that since the 16th century, there had been 16 cases in which old forces had been replaced by new ones, 12 of which had triggered war. And such a high probability requires all-out policy preparation.

Mr Moran, who calls himself a "staunch conservative in international affairs," believes Australia needs to increase its ability to become self-reliant to manage strategic uncertainty by strengthening preparedness and improving overall adaptability.

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