
American personal social app may continue to be used, free from administrative ban

[China News]     18 Sep 2020
U.S. personal user use of social app communication will not be affected by Trump administrative ban, according to the Seattle Times's latest news, documents submitted from the United States government court Wednesday. Two executive orders were Trump signed in early august for china's byte beat company's overseas video platform TikTok and tencent's social communications software social app. The ban...
American personal social app may continue to be used, free from administrative ban


U.S. personal user use of social app communication will not be affected by Trump administrative ban, according to the Seattle Times's latest news, documents submitted from the United States government court Wednesday.

Two executive orders were Trump signed in early august for china's byte beat company's overseas video platform TikTok and tencent's social communications software social app. The ban will enter into force on September 20. At the same time, its broad and vague language has aroused all kinds of speculation and interpretation.

American personal social app may continue to be used, free from administrative ban


United States social app User Organizations and Chinese Organizations prosecute Trump Executive Orders

On 21 August local time, The U.S. social app User Organization, the U.S. social app User alliance ", will formally file a petition with the Northern District Federal court of California, The executive order against social app signed by President prosecute Trump violated their constitution authority .prosecute chief executive, Michael Bynn, said :" The Trump ban will deprive U.S. users of a very important part of their daily lives. American users rely on social app to communicate, organize communities, run businesses, and initiate political engagement. An important communication tool used primarily by a minority that has historically been discriminated against by law and practice, This prohibition is unconstitutional. "

The constitution First Amendment in the United States prohibits the government of any law restrictions on media freedom and freedom of organization and rally. "The Supreme Court knows that social media applications and functions are equivalent to social public spaces ," Bynn added. It is a square that can speak, speak, learn, analyze knowledge and information. "

The US WeChat lawsuit only targets the WeChat ban; however, it is reported that several Chinese organizations in the United States are also planning to sue President Trump for the WeChat and Douyin ban in the Federal Court. The All-American Chinese Federation (American Chinese United), the main organization of Chinese Americans, is also organizing a joint letter requesting Trump to revoke the executive order prohibiting the use of WeChat and Douyin.

According to the Ministry of Justice document, users of normal use of social app do not face criminal or civil liability

According to the U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday, the Department "does not intend to target individuals or groups who use social app to convey personal or business information. The Ministry of Justice added that such users would not face "criminal or civil liability ".

Justice Department documents say this largely addresses the plaintiff's concerns about the ban.

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