
A school at the University of Sydney has been exposed to promiscuous organizations, and all kinds of black history have been raided. The tuition fees of such schools are 30,000 a year.

[Education News]     11 Jun 2017
A $30000-a-year tuition fee at the University of Sydney`s S ã o Paulo College (St Paul`s College) has such a mysterious organization.

A $30000-a-year tuition fee at the University of Sydney`s S ã o Paulo College (St Paul`s College) has such a mysterious organization.

It`s not a community activity, it`s not a study group.

It`s an obscene group of alcoholics and drug abusers!

There`s also rampant sexism!

They say Bone Room is the place where all kinds of obscene party are made, in St Paul`s College.

Students who attend will be told to bring in a woman according to specific criteria, including hair color, skin color, weight and sex.

Most of the time, it`s a woman they`ve never seen before.

A few years ago, a victim at the University of Sydney said she was publicly humiliated by boys at St Paul College after having sex with her male classmates.

The boys, shouting "slut", "hooker".

Every year, St Paul College has a tradition of welcoming new people, which is used to humiliate women.

There is also a slide showing pictures of boys and girls, and who is connected to whom, sleep together.

They also have a list of women who might want to have oral sex.

A few days ago, a boy from St Paul College published in Facebook:

"if you want to avoid the woman you`re sleeping with, she doesn`t want to leave, or she makes you sleep hard, we`ll save you!"

Simply send `argh` with your room number, and I`ll lie (JJ is swollen and hurt his foot in an emergency like this) and ask you to come and help and get her out of here right away.

Have a pleasant whaling! "

They call girls "whales" to help one-night boys get rid of girls.

After investigation, this "whaling" group are all graduates of St Paul College.

Some of the top lawyers, some politicians, some accountants, were glamorous professions, but they didn`t think there was such a dirty group behind them.

The black history of St Paul`s College is really unbearable!

In 1977, an 18-year-old girl was beaten, raped and killed in the lobby of St Paul, but the perpetrators were never found and are still a pending case.

In the weeks after the incident, a boy was denounced for taking part in gang rape.

In 2007, students at the college urged boys to buy tickets to the Jazz Dinner Dance dance on the grounds that "all female college students at this event are looking forward to a break."

In 2009, the school also set up a professional rape (pro-rape) team on social software.

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