
China expels three Wall Street Journal reporters in Beijing

[China News]     22 Feb 2020
Beijing was dissatisfied with an article in the Wall Street Journal of the United States yesterday and cancelled the papers of three newspaper reporters in Beijing. The European Union (EU) expressed concern today, saying it was China's latest attack on freedom of expression.
China expels three Wall Street Journal reporters in Beijing

Chinese and US national flags flutter at the entrance of a company office building in Beijing. -(Photo by WANG ZHAO / AFP)

Beijing was dissatisfied with an article in the Wall Street Journal of the United States yesterday and cancelled the papers of three newspaper reporters in Beijing. The European Union (EU) expressed concern today, saying it was China`s latest attack on freedom of expression.

The three Wall Street Journal reporters will be disqualified from journalism, including Josh Chin, deputy head of the correspondent station in China, reporter Deng Chao-both of whom are American citizens-and Australian citizen, reporter Philip Wen. They will be forced to leave China within the next five days.

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article entitled "China is a true sick man in East Asia" for a new coronavirus epidemic, which has triggered Beijing`s criticism of the content "vilifying the Chinese government and the Chinese people`s efforts to fight the epidemic" and the title " Racist. "

China`s Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on the 19th that China has made solemn representations to the Wall Street Journal on this occasion, but the newspaper "pushed and scuttled, neither publicly officially apologized nor investigated the persons responsible."

However, the author of this review article was Walter Russell Mead, a professor at Bard College, and has nothing to do with the three Wall Street Journal reporters whose credentials have been revoked.

On the 20th, Geng Shuang responded: "We are not interested in the internal part of the Wall Street Journal. There is only one Wall Street Journal in the world, and they must be responsible for their words and actions."

US Secretary of State Pompeo issued a statement condemning Beijing for expelling Wall Street Journal reporters and calling on China to "respect freedom of the press." Pompeo emphasized that any mature and responsible country understands that free media has the right to report facts and express opinions.

Mr Pompeo said the correct response should be to make an argument against it, not to stifle it. "The United States hopes that the Chinese people, like the American people, will have access to the right information and freedom of speech," he said.

"We are not trying to attack with such a title, but this is causing concern and anger in the Chinese government, and we feel that regret."

`This is the latest example of Beijing`s use of visa issuance to hinder foreign countries`efforts in China,`said the EU`s foreign security policy, speaker Batu-Henriksson, in a statement today.

"The use of refusing a visa and revoking a licence to retaliate against a book article is worrisome and could further limit freedom of expression and opinion," she said. 」

"The EU is fully committed to defending the global freedom of speech, both online and in real life," Mr Batu-Enlickson added. We will continue to discuss the human rights situation with our chinese counterparts in a bilateral dialogue. 」

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman yesterday also denied that the Wall Street Journal reporter`s visa was revoked in retaliation for the US State Department, which had previously announced five Chinese media as foreign missions.

In response to a number of jornalist questions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regular jornalist meeting on Tuesday, Geng said," China handles foreign jornalist matters in accordance with the law." Those media that publicly insult China, promote racial discrimination and maliciously smear China will pay the price. "

The U.S. State Department has previously said the inclusion of five Chinese media companies, including Xinhua News Agency, China Global Television Network, China International Radio, China Daily and the United States Haitian Development, means the five media are an extension of China`s government agencies.

Under the Foreign Missions Act, five Chinese media companies would have to comply with similar rules in the U.S. Embassy and Consulate, including providing employee lists and personnel changes, registering existing realestate, and obtaining prior approval for the purchase or lease of a new realestate, State Department officials announced Tuesday.

The five Chinese media include Xinhua News Agency, China Global Television Network, China International Radio, China Daily Distribution Company, and People`s Daily`s U.S. General Agent for Haitian Development. This specification takes effect immediately.

U.S. State Department officials said the decision would be made to see China tighten state control over the media and control over its content and editorial direction, which are already part of the Communist Party`s propaganda department.

Although it will be part of a foreign mission, officials also said they would not restrict the press coverage and would still be able to participate in all kinds of jornalist meetings, including the state department.

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