
The proportion of Chinese students is too large, the University of Sydney wants to recruit more Indian students.

[Education News]     21 Aug 2018
The University of Sydney, which is now targeting the Indian market, is trying to diversify the composition of international students. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)
The proportion of Chinese students is too large, the University of Sydney wants to recruit more Indian students.

The University of Sydney, which is now targeting the Indian market, is trying to diversify the composition of international students. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the University of Sydney is trying to diversify the composition of international students and is currently targeting the Indian market. It hopes to use the Indian subcontinent`s unease over the (Donald Trump) administration of Trump and Brexit to attract Indian students to Australia.

It is reported that the most popular country in the world at present is the United States, and Australia is expected to replace the United Kingdom to occupy the second place.

Spence (Michael Spence), vice-chancellor of the University of Sydney, said international students were concerned about uncertainty in the United States and the UK, and said Australia`s cultural backlash was not so strong. When Indian students study abroad, they no longer choose the United States or Britain without hesitation, but consider other native English-speaking countries.

It is understood that Australia`s eight universities have attracted a lot of Chinese students, who prefer to study in the top universities and live in cities. Indian students, however, are more sensitive to price issues and are willing to choose colleges and universities that are cheaper or located in remote areas.

Less than 3 percent of Sydney`s 27600 students are from India, compared with 65 percent from China.

The University of Sydney aims to double the number of Indian students in the next three years. The school hopes to attract good Indian students, who usually choose to study medicine and science at American colleges or law and humanities in the UK.

Although international students play an important role in Australia`s economic development, but also cause many concerns. Recently, the New State Audit Office (NSW Auditor-General) pointed out that relying too heavily on international students from a particular region can affect universities in the event of economic or political changes in these countries.

Newton (Andrew Norton), director of the Gratham Institute`s (GrattanInstitute) higher education program, says attracting more non-Chinese students is a reasonable goal for Sydney. But India is unlikely to replace China as a major source of international students in the near future. Newton believes Sydney`s colleges and universities are expensive and Indian students may not or will not be able to afford them.

Tania Rhodes-Taylor, who is in charge of external relations at the University of Sydney, said the university would increase its Indian workforce over the next 18 months. There are also opportunities for second-and third-tier cities in India, where schools will attract more local students through direct communication or expansion of brokerage networks.

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