
No more earth! The driverless bus landed in Sydney and will be tested in Olympic park. Dare you take a seat?

[Current News]     09 Aug 2017
"with regard to the development of technology, we have probably thought that a lot of the work will be replaced by cold robots in the future, but now we are catching up with the" unmanned "era:)

"with regard to the development of technology, we have probably thought that a lot of the work will be replaced by cold robots in the future, but now we are catching up with the" unmanned "era:)

Unmanned bus!?

It`s coming!

Later this month, Sydney`s Olympic Park will be experimenting with unmanned buses!

First of all, the workers in the Olympic Park will be the first mice to experience this unmanned shuttle bus.

If the experiment goes well,

So are we still far from taking the unmanned bus?

It is expected to be open to passengers early next year!

The unmanned shuttle program was launched by the new state of goverment as part of a two-year autopilot experiment.

The shuttle bus can carry six to eight people and will follow a pre-arranged route.

The purpose of the experiment is also to find a better way to use self-driving technology, how to improve safety and reliability, in order to serve the new state.

The NRMA, also involved in the trial, said the use of autopilot on the road would reduce accidents and injuries and protect thousands of lives.

New state self-driving buses are not the first in Australia, and Perth introduced them last year.

Vehicles follow a pre-set route along Western Australia Beach, which has the ability to detect other vehicles and traffic lights.

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