
The victims questioned the official conclusions after more than a year after the leak at a biological pharmaceutical factory in Lanzhou, China

[China News]     18 Sep 2020
change the world's new crown pandemic is far from over, there is still a lingering fear that local authorities in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, are accused of "concealing" the best time to prevent and control infectious diseases.
The victims questioned the official conclusions after more than a year after the leak at a biological pharmaceutical factory in Lanzhou, China

photo and Introduction of Lanzhou Biopharmaceutical Factory

change the world's new crown pandemic is far from over, there is still a lingering fear that local authorities in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, are accused of "concealing" the best time to prevent and control infectious diseases.

Accountability and follow-up to another infectious disease that was almost disclosed with Coronavirus at the end of 2019 have become rare. The latter may be a public health event that is artificially underestimated.

At the night of September 15, China's Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, authorities confirmed that there were 3245 cases of brucella infection caused by the leakage of sexy plant in Lanzhou Biopharmaceutical Factory. Officials promised to urge pharmaceutical factories to carry out compensation work, compensation work in October in batches.

After more than eight months of local government, the leak of Lanzhou Biopharmaceutical Factory, owned by China's listed company Zhongmu, was heard again.

Infectious disease caused by expired disinfectant?

More than eight months ago, at the end of December 2019, "From 24 July to 20 August 2019, Lanzhou Biopharmaceutical Factory uses expired disinfectants in the production of veterinary cloth vaccine, Causes the production fermenter exhaust gas discharge sterilization is not thorough, The waste gas carrying the fermentation broth to form a bacterial aerosol, During the production period, the main wind direction of the area is southeast wind, Causes the lower wind direction China Academy of Agricultural Sciences Lanzhou Institute of Animal Research human body inhalation or mucosal contact to produce antibody positive, A total of 203 antibody positive personnel and a clinical symptoms of antibody positive personnel. "

statement confirming that the virus is airborne.

Eight months later, more than 3000 people were diagnosed with brucellosis, more than ten times that of last year.

And the affected people, far more than 3000 people. Gansu officials actually tested more than 20,000 people, the initial positive 4646 people.

The victims questioned the official conclusions after more than a year after the leak at a biological pharmaceutical factory in Lanzhou, China

Local residents in Lanzhou lined up in front of the hospital referral hall to see if they were infected with brucellosis

Gansu officials characterized it as "an accidental incident" and "a brief exposure ".

Chen Tian (pseudonym), a 40-year-old local resident living near a pharmaceutical factory and diagnosed with positive antibodies, told The British Broadcasting Corporation journalist : " that events characterized as disinfectant expiration could not be established. Before the air is discharged, there should be tests, if there is a strain, can not be discharged directly into the air. "

He said that the staff of the pharmaceutical factory told him ," That's all you got. The long leakage of toxic air is not an accidental event, but a serious production accident. There is no necessary connection between expired disinfectants and discharged toxic air. These strains of gas are stored in tanks and tested before they are discharged. Air display is qualified to discharge, so this characterization is wrong. "

What are the symptoms of brucellosis?

According to Chinese media reports, brucellosis is abbreviated as brucellosis, a chronic infectious disease that is zoonotic and has great harm. The virus can pass from animals to humans, and it is not clear whether there is a risk of human-to-human transmission.

In China, the main source of infection of the disease is cattle, sheep and pigs, infected by exposure to animal tissues or dairy products.

Cloth disease mainly damages the reproductive system and joints of human and animal. If the treatment is not timely and becomes chronic, the patient will have mental retardation, general weakness, joint muscle pain, may also be in a fever state for a long time, can no longer engage in labor work, severe will lose the ability to work, or even lead to disability, Commonly known as "lazy man's disease ".

Chen Tian's family of four, he and 17 and 13 years old two children at the beginning of this year confirmed positive. The child has no obvious symptoms at present.

But Chen Tian's symptom is :" The muscle appears inexplicable ache, sometimes 4,5 am will ache to wake up. And drowsiness, starting to doze off after nine in the morning, driving feeling asleep in the car. Character becomes impatient, easily angry, always want to be angry, can not control their feelings. "

Among the social app groups in which Chen Tian is located, there are other diagnosed patients with dilated pupils, blurred vision and recurrent oral ulcers. He said that some pregnant women do not know whether the disease affects the next generation, whether to continue pregnancy; mothers who have been diagnosed during lactation do not know whether to breastfeed their babies.

China's Internet says the disease severely damages the reproductive system, which can lead to infertility. Weibo user "lucky to belong to Laozi" said :" my relatives have this disease, really infertility can not do heavy work, immunity decline ".

"Experts believe that a small number of patients with severe brucellosis may cause inflammation of the reproductive system if they are not treated in a timely manner ," explained The British Broadcasting Corporation journalist local hospitals. If timely medical treatment, standardized treatment, the prognosis is good. "

But at present, the local infection has not been standardized treatment, many infected people on the Internet said they did not receive effective treatment, and repeated illness.

Penalties for enterprises involved and responsible persons concerned

Half a year ago, in February 2020, Zhongmu shares issued a letter of apology on the official website and announced internal penalties to deal with eight responsible persons. But mostly administrative sanctions, the most serious dismissal, no one to assume law responsibility.

According to the Chinese media Caixin, Lanzhou Biopharmaceutical Factory cloth disease vaccine production workshop was closed on December 7,2019, Cloth disease vaccine production license was revoked on January 13,2020, The plant's production license for "bacterial vaccine 、 bacterial inactivation vaccine 、 cytotoxic vaccine" was revoked, Its porcine erysipelas live vaccine (G 4 T 10) and other 7 veterinary drug product approval number has also been cancelled.

Obviously, the result of administrative punishment within the enterprise is difficult to convince the public, accountability is still strong.

It is worth noting that the local leakage occurred in the summer of 2019, until the end of 2019 four months later, the official voice. After the official statement, there is no public circulate a notice mechanism to publicize the follow-up to the society.

Weibo user "MOE Xuan" comments ," now found to hide the truth, not timely announcement when become routine? "

Calls for Accountability

In a local official statement in September this year, the leak lasted a month. Officials described it as a "short time ", with local authorities explaining that" the incident was an accidental incident and a short exposure ". So far, no official has assumed regulatory responsibility.

Chen Tian believes that should be characterized as public health incidents, and serious production accidents. "There must be criminal responsibility. Cause more than 3000 people infection, follow-up infection will expand to what extent, now uncertain. The person in charge of the enterprise legal person and the supervision department shall bear criminal responsibility. "

In addition, the number of local positive brucellosis confirmed after August increased 10 times. The compensation for the confirmed person has not been heard from. Chen Tian told journalist, that he had not received any notice of compensation as of the date of publication.

In addition, as one in 3000 of the current official data confirmed, Chen Tian believes that many people do not know whether they are positive. "More people should be tested. The exact number will certainly be more than this number. "

For the diagnosis of treatment, Chen Tian believes that the organization of national expert consultation, can not (one size fits all) only two drugs. Different treatment plans should be given according to different conditions.

Chen Tian said he now exercises every day to improve immunity and regulate the body. Asked what to do if compensation or accountability failed, he said :" There is no other way. "

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