
Uber talks with the new state government, Uber is expected to be subsidized

[Current News]     21 Aug 2017
Uber also hopes to incorporate services into the Sydney Australia Baoca (Opal card) platform. (AP Information Photo)

Uber also hopes to incorporate services into the Sydney Australia Baoca (Opal card) platform. (AP Information Photo)

According to the Australian News Network, the new state government is in talks with Uber, and in the future, when Sydney citizens travel from home to or from the railway station in Uber, Uber also hopes to include services on the Sydney Australia (Opal card) platform to make up for the lack of public transport networks.

A Uber spokesman said the Uber partnership with the new state government "could be the most positive signal in Australia." "We are talking about similar opportunities in every state, but to be honest, in new states we are making the most progress."

Zalzberg (Andrew Salzberg), director of global transport policy and research at Uber, said carpooling was the most effective alternative to public transport. "We are already driving on the road, so we have saved a lot of upfront costs."

He also said that 60 percent of Australia`s Uber starts with a lack of public transport services.

In addition, Uber recommends that the government consider merging Uber services into the Sydney Australia Card platform. A small town in Canada began experimenting with subsidies for Uber in May, rather than paying for public transport services, Mr. Zarzberg said.

A spokesman for the new state transportation department said ride-sharing services "play a potentially important role" in Sydney`s future public transport solutions. The government hopes that public transport will be more attractive to Sydney`s citizens and that it will solve the problem of urban commuting to and from the railway station.

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