
Former Prime Minister attacked Tan Bao for cutting immigration, Kevin Rudd raised Australian values again.

[Current News]     20 Jul 2018
Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (Kevin Rudd) delivered an important speech Wednesday evening at a multiculturalism community dinner in the New State Labour Party`s ethnic community, re-introducing "Big" ("Greater Australia").

Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (Kevin Rudd) delivered an important speech Wednesday evening at a multiculturalism community dinner in the New State Labour Party`s ethnic community, re-introducing "Big" ("Greater Australia").

(Australian) values, attacking the current Tam Po government`s immigration reduction policy, will only undermine Australia`s economic development, not to mention the trade development between Australia and the rest of the world.

Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivers an important speech

Rudd said that the current tightening of immigration policy by the Tam Po Government is, in fact, a very short-sighted policy, and what the Immigration Minister is proud to say is now the period when the least immigrants in Australia can obtain PR. It is also not worth refuting that Australia`s economy will develop more favourably. Rudd stressed that the well-known reasons for Australia`s economic development, to some extent, benefited from the absorption of large numbers of immigrants, especially investment migrants. The increase in immigration has expanded employment and developed the economy. In particular, the business of investment immigrants, their drive for Australia`s economic development, is clearly easy to see. The government should encourage investment, not limit and cut it.

Kevin Rudd and Tam Kai-hin

Mr Rudd recalls that during his Labour government, he strongly supported multicultural policies and welcomed new immigrants. The government supports public health development, focuses on education, and supports investment by new immigrants. In particular, encourage the next generation of new immigrants, cultivate Australian values, integrate into Australia`s mainstream society, bring new blood and vitality to the development of Australian society, this is an important factor for the long-term development of Australia.

Kevin Rudd, along with some Chinese media and community representatives, took pictures of New State Labour MP Shaoquett Moselmane, New State Education Director Jihad Dib,Oatley, Labour Party candidate Lucy Mannering, and former Ashfield City Councillor Wang Yunmei, among others. Also at the fundraising dinner were leaders from Indian, Vietnamese, Middle Eastern and Chinese communities. Among them, the Chinese community attended the overseas Chinese community, including Tam Kai-hin, vice-chairman of the China Trade Association, Jiang Nianchi, president of Jushelin, and so on.

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