
Tan Bao's approval rate reached a new high since the last election, and the poor government was still beaten by the Labour Party.

[Current News]     17 Jun 2018
Mr Tan`s popularity has reached its highest level since the last election, but the prime minister`s popularity has failed to boost support for the government, which still lags behind Labour at a time when five key by-elections are looming.

Mr Tan`s popularity has reached its highest level since the last election, but the prime minister`s popularity has failed to boost support for the government, which still lags behind Labour at a time when five key by-elections are looming.

Meanwhile, the party was hit by the openness of its leader, Han Shan (Pauline Hanson), and former Sen. Berston (Brian Burston), whose approval ratings fell by 2%.

Tan Bao's approval rate reached a new high since the last election, and the poor government was still beaten by the Labour Party.

Both parties are actively preparing for five by-elections on July 28, "Super Saturday." According to an exclusive Newspoll poll for the Australian newspaper, Tembo has consolidated its lead over Schotton (Bill Shorten) as a more popular and competent leader.

Satisfaction with Mr. Tan`s performance has now reached 40 percent, the first time since June 2016-although it`s up only 1 percent-while Labour leaders have recently made frequent appearances in the media, they have failed.

However, the opposition leader had a lead in the election, with Labour still leading 52 per cent to 48 per cent in bipartisan support.

Monday`s poll marks the 34th time Mr Tan`s coalition party lost to its opponents in the Newspoll poll. The poll covered the resurgence of a scandal involving former deputy prime minister Joyce and the government`s efforts to pass an anti-foreign espionage law.

Tan Bao's approval rate reached a new high since the last election, and the poor government was still beaten by the Labour Party.

Ex-party Senator Preston resigned after a dispute with Han Shan. It was unwelcome news for the government ahead of the Longman by-election in Queensland, where Labour`s dual-nationality crisis forced the resignation of former MP Rambo (Susan Lamb).

However, the Liberal National Party relied more on voting from one party than it did at the last election, when the Labour Party was elected because of its decision not to allocate votes to the Liberal National Party.

However, the collapse of support for the first round of the one-party election made it almost impossible for the Liberal National Party to win the seat in the by-election, but Labour had only a 0.8 per cent advantage in the constituency.

Tan Bao's approval rate reached a new high since the last election, and the poor government was still beaten by the Labour Party.

The latest Newspoll showed a 2-6 percent drop in first-round support for a country, one of the lowest since the July 2016 election. The Greens rebounded 1% to 10%, while other small parties and independents rose 1%.

Support for the first round of the Labour and League elections remained unchanged at 38%. Mr. Tan continued to lead Mr. Schotton as prime minister of choice, although approval ratings fell to 46 percent, while Labour leaders rose to 31 percent. However, satisfaction with Schotton fell to 33%, while Tan Bao`s discontent reached 50%. Both men`s net satisfaction was negative. Shorton was minus 22%, Tan Bao was-10%.

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