
Canada suspends extradition treaties with Hong Kong and updates travel warnings

[China News]     04 Jul 2020
Canada's prime minister, trudeau, announced on july 3rd that because of the enforcement of hong kong's national security law, canada Hong Kong the same treatment as the mainland of China, and would immediately prohibit the export to Hong Kong of sensitive military materials such as explosion protection by the police force; suspend the extradition treaty; and update the travel warning to Hong Kong.
Canada suspends extradition treaties with Hong Kong and updates travel warnings

Le premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau le 25 juin lors de son point de presse quotidien pendant la crise de coronavirus

Author: Law Kwong

Canada's prime minister, trudeau, announced on july 3rd that because of the enforcement of hong kong's national security law, canada Hong Kong the same treatment as the mainland of China, and would immediately prohibit the export to Hong Kong of sensitive military materials such as explosion protection by the police force; suspend the extradition treaty; and update the travel warning to Hong Kong.

Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada said that we are very concerned about the situation in Hong Kong and firmly believe that Hong Kong's "one country, two systems" only in this way will the freedom that the rest of China can not have remain in Hong Kong.

Trudeau said that one country, two systems are not only vital to 7.5 million Hong Kong people, it is also vital to the 300,000 Canadian nationals in China. Finally, Trudeau said, on the issue of immigration, we will continue to study what measures can be taken to ensure the safety of our citizen.

The Canadian Foreign minister, Pengfei (Francois-Philippe Champagne), also issued a statement on July 3 that the extradition treaty with Hong Kong would be suspended and that it would not authorize the export of sensitive military goods to Hong Kong and that the export of sensitive goods would be dealt with the same way as China.

According to the statement ," the Hong Kong version of the National Security Act is conducted in secret, without the participation of the legislation authorities, the judiciary or the people of Hong Kong and in violation of international obligations. "Canada will treat sensitive goods exported to Hong Kong in the same manner as those destined for China from now on, and Canada will not allow the export military sensitive goods to Hong Kong ," the statement said. Furthermore, the Canadian government suspended Canada's extradition treaty with Hong Kong.

Canada's foreign minister business, Pengfei, also said that ensuring Hong Kong's freedom is the basis for Hong Kong's role as a global hub. Without that basis, Canada was forced to reassess the existing provisions.

He also said that the adoption of the new national security law was not only a contempt for Hong Kong's Basic Law; it was also a contempt for the commitment to give Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy.

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