
China relationship : U.S. policy adviser Yu Maochun in China

[China News]     03 Aug 2020
Picture copyright GettyImages China and the United States relationship are facing the most challenging moment since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1979. At a time when the relationship of the two countries has turned upside down, A Chinese-born American government aide has become a hot topic in China. Before June, Yu Maochun (MaochunMilesYu) is mostly known in the academic circle of ...
China relationship :  U.S. policy adviser Yu Maochun in China

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China and the United States relationship are facing the most challenging moment since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1979. When the relationship of the two countries plummeted, a Chinese-born American government staff became a hot topic in China.

Before June, Yu Maochun (Maochun Miles Yu) is mostly known in the academic circle of the study of Chinese and American relationship, But now, He has become a key word in China's relationship discussion about China and the United States. On 15 June this year, The American Washington Times (The Washington Times) published an exclusive interview with Yu Maochun, The article calls him one of the most influential advisers in the U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo's relationship with China ", For the past three years Trump government "powerful behind the scenes ".

A number of Chinese activists have seen the report and have shifted some of the fire on Trump and Pompeo to him. His former alma mater recently removed him from the memorial list, and many people on the Internet have attacked him with words such as "dogheaded army division and traitors.

Under the background of Sino-US sliding to contest and conflict, Yu Maochun's discussion in China is not enough to affect the overall situation, but it can still reflect some reasons for the continuous dislocation of Sino-US relationship.

American government Staff from China

He was born in the eastern province of Anhui and grew up in Chongqing in the southwest, Yu said. He studied in the education History Department of Nankai University in China and studied in the United States after graduating from Nankai University and settled in the United States.

Before joining the Pompeo team, Yu Maochun also served as a professor at the The United States Naval Academy Department of History of the United States Naval Academy. According to the school's website, Yu's areas of expertise include China, East Asia, history of war and diplomacy, and currently "seconded "(on detail duty) to the U.S. State Department.

Yu was a senior member of the policy planning team at Secretary of State Pompeo's office, according to the Washington Times. The Washington post (The Washington Post) wrote in a commentary essay chapter in 2019 that he was one of the project leaders of the pompeo team to develop a strategy for china, which also aims to prove by finding a persuasive argument that "china is the number one challenge for the united states ".

Another lead person for the project is Keren Skinner, Director of Policy Planning, Department of State (Kiron Skinner). Her remarks last year called the Sino-US contest a "clash of civilizations and ideologies ", raising concerns relationship many Chinese and American observers.

As many Chinese activists have argued, he is primarily responsible for the deterioration of relationship between China and the United States. China's official Global Times website published an article saying that the U. S.'s recent "vicious policy" towards China came from Yu Maochun's hands, and even called him a "dog head army division" and a "traitor ".

According to Yang Dali, a professor of politics at the Chicago University of the United States, many of Yu's criticisms in the Chinese world are "unfair ". He pointed out that the republican and democratic parties of the united states have achieved a great deal of consensus on china policy, yu maochun as an aide, must be involved in the current u.s. policy, but "not any person as a consultant in the u.s. administration can influence national decision-making, the u.s. policy towards china can not be completely turned by a professor ".

China relationship :  U.S. policy adviser Yu Maochun in China

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The Washington Times quoted Pompeo as saying that Yu's team's backbone advised him on "how to ensure that we protect Americans and defend our freedoms in the face of challenges from Chinese Communist Party.


Xi Jinping, he added, was a "stubborn communism" and "communism" has always been China's concept of governance. The "Belt and Road" initiative to China's "brutal war" against various religions, as well as the accusation, of the "black hand" of the United States in Hong Kong's protest and the promotion of the Hong Kong National Security Law are the embodiment of the practice of Marxism-Leninism in China today.

"Chinese Communist Party government use the ideology of Marxism-Leninism and the distorted and China-centered Chinese nationalism as weapons to position China as the world's moral and managerial leader, at the expense of freedom and democracy ," he said.

Many Chinese think Yu's remarks are unacceptable. "Why should the home country that gave birth to you be so vicious for you to read? "The Chinese heart has been ripped off by itself ," said a media article.

A video on social media this week showed his name removed from the stone tablet of his alma mater Chongqing Yongchuan Middle School. He had previously been recognized as a liberal arts champion in 1979.

Kai Da Xiong (Kevin Carrico), a senior lecturer in Chinese research at Monash University in Australia, believes that Yu Maochun, an American citizen,, uses his expertise in China to help the United States formulate foreign policy as a "standard operation ", while China's fierce reaction from the official media to the private sector is" not standard ".

"This highlights a sense of anxiety in China, from the official to the private, that they aspire to be loyal to the so-called'motherland' and conform to all their political assumptions, but the reality is that everyone has the freedom to express their political views, many of which are inconsistent with Beijing's extreme presuppositions ," he said.

Liu Yawei, editor-in-chief of China-US Impression Network, pointed out that some Chinese responses to Yu Maochun can be found in China's own century-old humiliating narrative framework. He said that there had always been a view that, in addition to the brutality and ferocity of the great powers, the people who helped them were worse and needed to take greater responsibility, now that Yu Mao-chun was "born in New China, growing under the red flag ", but also" to blame the tiger ".

"China, alarmed at the serious imbalance and deterioration of the relationship between China and the United States, considers the decoupling of the United States unreasonable and insists that the deterioration of bilateral relationship is all the responsibility of the United States. In such a state of mind, Yu Maochun as a reason why China and the United States can not get together. "That's too simple to look at the Chinese-American relationship, but it does n' t have any benefit to repair bilateral relationship ," Liu said. "It is important to point out that the problems of the United States are of course more important to have the will to be self-aware and the courage to be self-critical. "

The phenomenon shows that there is a "racial perspective on individual identity" in China, which is not in line with the trend of the 21st century, according to Kaida Xiong.

China relationship :  U.S. policy adviser Yu Maochun in China

Before joining Secretary of State Pompeo team, Yu was a professor in the history department of the United States Naval Academy.

China and the United States relationship under the "scapegoat"

Yu Maochun interview published at the time of the recent Sino-US relationship friction frequent period. For the first time, the United States has denied China's "nine-line" claims in the South China Sea by announcing sanctions that undermine Hong Kong's highly autonomous and Xinjiang human rights Communist Party officials. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi admitted in early July that China and the United States relationship face the "most serious challenges" since the establishment of diplomatic relations ".

Analysts pointed out that Yu Mao-chun was attacked at this time as the Chinese and American relationship "scapegoat ".

Hu xijin, editor-in-chief of the global times, a chinese state-run tabloid, said yu had leave china at the age of 22 and lacked a genuine understanding of china, which also reflected america's "mistakes ". "The U.S. policy against China builds high and dangerous buildings on the basis of serious misjudgment, reflecting that every step is full of mistakes and shallow from the beginning of drawing the first sketch... "Time will cost the United States because of these mistakes and shallowness ," Hu said.

Yang Dali pointed out that the leading of public opinion by the state media is obviously to serve the system, but this practice is risky. "On the one hand, while showing momentum, it also makes it less easy to hear different voices and therefore less easy to make different decisions and to correct problems with existing decisions. Finally, this is not conducive to the adjustment of the relationship between China and the United States. "

In Yu Maochun by the middle school delisting video, there are comments to express different voices. "The stone tablet is easy to erase, the history is not easy "," cover the bell ," has the user to comment like this. But these sounds seem insignificant compared to the sound of a good name.

"China, alarmed at the serious imbalance and deterioration of the relationship between China and the United States, considers the decoupling of the United States unreasonable and insists that the deterioration of bilateral relationship is all the responsibility of the United States. In such a state of mind, Yu Maochun as a reason why China and the United States can not get together. "That's too simple to look at the Chinese-American relationship, but it does n' t have any benefit to repair bilateral relationship ," Liu said.

He said in Facebook on Wednesday that the U.S. policy toward China has a "complex and diverse" process, and one important reference is China government own words and deeds.

"leader and party media say'the party is the leader of everything', government speaker and state media executives attack the United States every day, mostly in English, do you need a' traitors' to point out that these are jokes? The most important teacher to educate American dignitaries is China itself ," he wrote.

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