
In Australia, foreign students have become the 'hardest hit area' of sexual abuse.

[Education News]     30 Apr 2018
Australia`s honor as a "safe and happy country to study abroad" is under threat, according to a new documentary. In the documentary, a Chinese female student studying at Australian National University was tortured by an Australian man, rape, in her dormitory.

Australia`s honor as a "safe and happy country to study abroad" is under threat, according to a new documentary. In the documentary, a Chinese female student studying at Australian National University was tortured by an Australian man, rape, in her dormitory.

In Australia, foreign students have become the 'hardest hit area' of sexual abuse.

(photo source: Sydney Morning Front)

In Australia, foreign students have become the 'hardest hit area' of sexual abuse.

Chinese student Leu was rape at Australian National University (photo source: Sydney Morning Front)

Liu, 19, told reporters that the man followed her into the room, tied her to bed and said, "I will get what I want," the Sydney Morning Frontier reported. Liu covered his mouth when he tried to scream for help. Her foreign friends did not encourage her to report to the police for fear of being identified as a "troublemaker" and facing repatriation.

Liu finally went to the police station, a female police officer told her, "this is not your fault, but the next time be careful." After hearing this, she decided to drop the indictment.

In Australia, foreign students have become the 'hardest hit area' of sexual abuse.

There are five hundred and forty thousand international students in Australia, and more than three hundred thousand are studying in colleges and universities. Reporters questioned that the school had taken adequate measures to ensure their safety.

A 2017 Human Rights Commission survey of more than 30,000 students found that one in five students had been sexually harassed at university in 2016 and about 5 percent had been sexually assaulted between 2015 and 2016. The report found that foreign students said they did not know where to report sexual harassment, or that they were ashamed or embarrassed to report such incidents.

Female students interviewed by Al Jazeera say they are infatuated with Australian men. Some say Australia`s wine culture and sexual openness have had an impact on them.

Sharna Bremner, founder of stop Campus rape, says more needs to be done to prevent the rape case from happening, and support to encourage infringed students. "We are in contact with the violated students," Bremner said. They are very scared to tell people that they have a lot of concerns about visas and they don`t want to tell their parents because they spend a lot of money studying for them and they don`t want to go home. "

In Australia, foreign students have become the 'hardest hit area' of sexual abuse.

"the group of foreign students is the group of hidden victims we don`t pay much attention to." "studying in Australia is a great experience for most students," she added later. "We work hard every day so that every student can leave with that feeling."

It is reported that the "campus rape" program will be released on and video website. If you or someone you know is guilty of sexual invasion, please call the rape crisis Center in Canberra at 02 6247 2525. Throughout Australia, call 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732 and contact in case of emergency.

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