
Australia has a high rate of receiving and sending foreign students, with the highest rate of OECD

[Education News]     12 Sep 2019
For every 28 foreign students enrolled in Australia, one local student studies abroad, a new report finds. (photo of Herald Sun)
Australia has a high rate of receiving and sending foreign students, with the highest rate of OECD

For every 28 foreign students enrolled in Australia, one local student studies abroad, a new report finds. (photo of Herald Sun)

According to the Herald Sun, a new report found that for every 28 foreign students enrolled in Australia, one local student studies abroad.

Australia has the highest proportion of foreign and local students studying abroad for every 28 foreign students enrolled in Australia, according to the OECD (OECD) `s latest Education Survey (The Education at a Glance) report. For every four students enrolled in other countries, one student studies abroad.

The report points out that 1% of college students in Australia are international students, compared with 1 / 20 in other countries.

In all countries, Australia accounts for 10% of the total number of international students.

Nearly half of Australia`s master`s degree students are international students, and the proportion of doctoral students in this field is nearly 1%.

Jihyun Lee, an expert in education measurements at the University of New South Wales, said the increase in enrolment of foreign students in a particular course in Australia is worrying. She points out that the current survival of the higher academocdege program in Australian universities is mainly dependent on international students. Although the Australian government offers up to four years of residence for international students who graduate from Australia, Australia is inevitable to face high education.

It is understood that the tuition fees of international students in Australia are also among the highest.

International students studying in Australia pay nearly A $28000 for bachelor`s fees, nearly four times as much as other students, the report found.

Of the international students studying in Australia, 1 / 3 are from China and 14% from India.

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