
Mr Lam's first seven years as Hong Kong's political corps pay tribute to'parade'

2019-nCoV Special
[China News]     13 Feb 2020
The first to disclose the truth of the epidemic, but by the police "dissemination of false information" interview with Wuhan doctor Li Wenliang, because of infection with Wuhan pneumonia died, in the network set off a wave of public opinion tsunami. A number of Hong Kong Democratic factions launched a joint mission on Wednesday (12) to pay tribute to the "whistle-blower" Li Wen-liang's first seven...

The first to disclose the truth of the epidemic, but by the police "dissemination of false information" interview with Wuhan doctor Li Wenliang, because of infection with Wuhan pneumonia died, in the network set off a wave of public opinion tsunami. A number of Hong Kong Democratic factions launched a joint mission on Wednesday (12) to pay tribute to the "whistle-blower" Li Wen-liang`s first seven days of the outbreak by holding a couplet and banners from the Western Police Department.

Mr Lam's first seven years as Hong Kong's political corps pay tribute to'parade'

More than 50 french chinese students and chinese expats gathered next to the bastille square on the evening of 9th to remember dr. li wenliang, who exposed the outbreak of pneumonia in wuhan. In addition to candles and flowers, the scene has slogans such as "free domo of speech" and "I want to speak normally ", in the hope that the event will bring change.

According to comprehensive Hong Kong media reports, more than 20 people from groups such as the Citizen Party, Social Democracy Links and Supporting Union (Hong Kong Citizens` Support for Patriotic Democracy Movement) marched from the Western Police Station to the China United Nations Office on Wednesday. China rises and perishes in lies "banner, during which it shouted" I want freedom of speech "," I want freedom of the press "and" one-party dictatorship is a disaster ". They held Li Wenliang`s black and white photo and a bouquet of lilies. After arriving at the China United Nations Office, they observed a minute of silence and presented flowers, and responded with a whistle.

A number of hong kong`s political parties have also launched a coalition to support the people of mainland in their voices for their freedoms and human rights at a difficult time, hoping that "freedomofspeech will begin today ".

Mr. guo said mr. li`s heart stopped on the evening of the 6th after being told the truth about the outbreak. But he didn`t even have the freedom to die, and questioned Lee`s forced use of instruments such as a ventilator until he stopped breathing the next morning. He said he respected Li and would regard February 6 as his death penalty.

Li Zhuoren, chairman of the branch, said that during the SARS period in 2003, Jiang Yanyong, a whistler, was also suppressed. He pointed out that the Chinese government has not changed for 17 years and is still concealing the epidemic. The spring feast was still held in Hubei at the end of January, and the singing and dancing leveled up, which made the epidemic more serious and killed the people. He also hoped that the death of Li Wenliang would awaken the Chinese people.

In addition, Mr Kwok said the outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan had become a "total disaster ". He said the chief executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, was responsible for the outbreak in Hong Kong.

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