
Wuhan epidemic cleared, U.S. media said no one believed

2019-nCoV Special
[China News]     23 Mar 2020
After more than three months of the outbreak, on March 18, the 56th day of Fengcheng in Wuhan, China first circulate a notice Hubei with zero new confirmed cases. For the next four days, the figure remained at zero. "This is a remarkable achievement ," said Tan Desai, Director-General of the World Health Organization, quoted by the Chinese official media as" providing hope for other regions. "Wuha...
Wuhan epidemic cleared, U.S. media said no one believed

The new coronavirus map

Author: Hill

After more than three months of the outbreak, on March 18, the 56th day of Fengcheng in Wuhan, China first circulate a notice Hubei with zero new confirmed cases. For the next four days, the figure remained at zero. "This is a remarkable achievement ," said Tan Desai, Director-General of the World Health Organization, quoted by the Chinese official media as" providing hope for other regions. "Wuhan public exposure, know people around, have been restored Yang, Wuhan is not admitted. But public health experts have warned that despite the relocation of the center to Europe, a second wave of infection could occur in China at any time.

According to VOA report today, Wuhan case zero? Citizen :" Only fools believe ". A Wuhan citizen sends a message to VOA via encrypted communication software. One of his acquaintances recently suspected a relapse into coronavirus pneumonia. At the hospital, the hospital said that the symptoms are mild, home isolation. According to the citizen ," we`re screwed. People I know around, have been restored Yang, Wuhan is not admitted. "

After more than three months of the outbreak, on march 18, the 56th day of Fengcheng in Wuhan, China first circulate a notice Hubei with zero new confirmed cases. For the next four days, the figure remained at zero. "This is a remarkable achievement ," said Tan Desai, Director-General of the World Health Organization, quoted by the Chinese official media as" providing hope for other regions. "But what seems to be a good situation does not reassure the people of Wuhan, where the epidemic began.

The report said the Wuhan citizen, who asked for anonymity, had been told a few days ago by family members working on the front line that many hospitals in Wuhan are now stopping because many of the people who come to see the doctor have been identified as potentially infected. When he asked further, the other party faltered and just told him "don`t go out ". According to the citizen ," I`m really panicked. "

In the community owners, people spread more than one community on march 20 issued a new emergency notice, warning that there are new cases in the community.

The report refers to an article entitled "My Most Unforgettable Day" which was widely forwarded on social media. Allegedly ," a mainstream media journalist "in Hubei recorded his repeated refusal on 19 March to visit hospitals with a suspected relapsed patient and his family in Wuhan. Folk also spread, same March 19 this day, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Tongji Hospital diagnosed more than 100 cases. The district chief stayed with him all night in the hospital.

Officials ordered that the information be deleted and quickly dismissed, but the public did not buy it.

"As a native of Wuhan, we have a problem with our community`s aunt and uncle ," said Angela Hepburn, a popular local volunteer who raised supplies for the community during the outbreak.

A wuhan owner said on the Weibo that the original residential property announced the epidemic situation every evening, but on the evening of march 19 under a notice that the city`s epidemic situation tends to smooth, according to the request of the higher authorities no longer announce the number of community infections. She suddenly felt nervous. According to Wuhan citizen Xu Wu to VOA. "Communist Party have cheated for decades, only fools believe it. "Xu Wu`s 80-year-old father was admitted to hospital after several twists and turns in early February diagnosed with new pneumonia in early February. The hospital recently informed him to be discharged from hospital to quarantine.

An unnamed Wuhan doctor told Japan`s Kyodo that the number of patients treated had been significantly depressed to demonstrate Xi Jinping government results in the fight against the epidemic. many still symptomatic patients were abruptly terminated for isolation and partial testing was suspended. The doctor who worked at the quarantine site said the government data were "not credible" in response to a visit to Wuhan on 10 Xi Jinping 3 to tamper with the numbers of patients with new crown pneumonia.

The report said that on the morning of march 21, beijing time, voa contacted the first hospital in wuhan, a medical staff admitted that there are indeed patients, but a separate phenomenon. """You can go online ," she said to journalist before hanging up on busy work ." You know what I know. "

Later that day, another wuhan source told voa that he has a number of fuyang patients, all undiagnosed. "Wang Zhonglin said, another case will be pursued, who dare to diagnose ah ," he said.

Wang Zhonglin, secretary of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee of Shandong Province, dropped to Wuhan in February, replacing Ma Guoqiang, secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, as the "first leader ". Soon after his new job, he announced that the general public to carry out Thanksgiving education, triggered a huge local rebound.

"It`s a political clean-up to get back to work ," said the Wuhan man. He wants no real identity. He said he was reprimanded by the local police a few days ago. "Undiagnosed, untreated, unreported, and treated as asymptomatic infections without statistics will certainly lead to a zero-growth diagnosis, diagnosis ," Fang Zhouzi, an online celebrity known for academic fraud, said in Twitter. "False, all false. "

Shortly after Xi Jinping visit to Wuhan by China`s top leaders, the number of officially reported consultations declined rapidly. Over the past week, a number of counties and cities in Hubei have been lifted. In some places people set off fireworks to celebrate their freedom. Wuhan has not been unsealed, but some of the local service industry was allowed to resume production, nearly 80% of the residents of residential areas were able to walk out of closed homes, regular activities downstairs.

However, public health experts warned that China could have a second wave of infection at any time, despite the shift to Europe.

"I think it`s too early to celebrate, and the second wave may have appeared in China, but it`s early and hasn`t been discovered ," said Gao Bennen, director of the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Branch of the School of Public Health, University of Hong Kong. "Experts say the new coronavirus is more difficult to detect and stays longer than the SARS virus that infected more than 8,000 people in 2003, which increases the risk of relapse and makes a new inevitable.

VOA says China`s propaganda machine is at full power, sounding the horn of the general battle and the resumption of production. According to the official slogan ," Spring has arrived, flowers will bloom, all good will come. "But the recently admonished Wuhan citizen said to VOA ," It`s back to January and back to where it started. "Dr. Lee died in vain ," another netizen wrote. "My heart is cold. "

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