
WHO updates indicate that the earliest circulate a notice Wuhan cases were not Chinese government

2019-nCoV Special
[China News]     04 Jul 2020
The World Health Organization (WHO) updated its timetable for the early stages of the new coronal virus crisis, showing that the first cases of unknown pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei province, were blamed by WHO offices in China rather than by Chinese authorities. U.S. presidents for failing to provide the necessary information to prevent the epidemic and touting the results of China's epidemic, but WH...

The World Health Organization (WHO) updated its timetable for the early stages of the new coronal virus crisis, showing that the first cases of unexplained pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei province, were authorities. by WHO offices in China rather than China

WHO updates indicate that the earliest circulate a notice Wuhan cases were not Chinese government


The US president Trump accused WHO of failing to provide the necessary information to prevent the epidemic and touted China's epidemic, but WHO denied it.

WHO initial timetable for the release of communications records on april 9th was partly in response to criticism of the WHO's initial handling of the epidemic. The 2019 Coronary virus Disease (COVID-19) has so far caused more than 11 million infections and more than 520,000 deaths worldwide.

This preliminary timetable WHO originally indicated only that several cases of pneumonia were circulate a notice by the Municipal Health and Health Council on 31 December last year, but WHO did not specify who notified them.

WHO Secretary-General Tan Desai (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) said at a journalist meeting on April 20 that the first circulate a notice came from China, but did not specify whether the circulate a notice came from China or other sources.

However, more detailed information about the chain of events can be found in the chain of events can be found.

The timetable shows that the WHO's office in china notified the who regional focal point on december 31 of last year of a "sick toxicity pneumonia" case following a media statement posted on Wuhan city's official website.

On the same day, the WHO Epidemiology Information Service selected another message ProMed from the United States International Epidemiological Surveillance website on the same batch of unexplained pneumonia cases in Wuhan city.

Since then, the WHO further information on these cases to the Chinese authorities on 1 January and 2 January, respectively, which was submitted by the Chinese side on 3 January.

WHO's Executive Director for Health Emergencies, Ryan (Mike Ryan), said at a journalist meeting today that countries have 24 to 48 hours of official confirmation incidents and provided additional information WHO the nature or causes of the incidents.

Mr. ryan also said the chinese authorities immediately linked to the who circulate a notice, his request for confirmation.

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