
Coronavirus the outbreak turns bad, Trump : I'm getting angry with China

2019-nCoV Special
[China News]     01 Jul 2020
U.S. President Trump said he was increasingly angry with China when he saw a Coronavirus pandemic hit the world and the United States in an emergency room on June 29,2020. "I'm getting angry with China when I see the pandemic raging all over the world, including the enormous damage it has done to the United States ," said a tweet late Tuesday (June 30,2020). You can see that, and I can feel it. "

A medical worker rescues a Coronavirus patient in an emergency room on june 29,2020(reuters)



U.S. President Trump says he is increasingly angry with China at the Coronavirus pandemic`s impact on the world and the United States.

"I`m getting angry with China when I see the pandemic raging all over the world, including the enormous damage it has done to the United States ," said a tweet late Tuesday (June 30,2020). You can see that, and I can feel it. "


More than 10 million people have been infected globally, death more than 500,000, a quarter of them in the United States, and the epidemic in the United States has a worsening trend.

U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Anthony Fauci) testified at parliament on 30 June 2020(Reuters)

U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Anthony Fauci) testified at parliament on 30 June 2020(Reuters)

"I`m very worried because it could get very bad ," Fauci (Anthony Fauci), director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the Senate hearings Tuesday. "

"We are now adding more than 40,000 confirmed cases a day ," he said. If things don`t get better, I would n` t be surprised if we had 100,000 new confirmed cases every day ."

Trump government have accused China for the past few months of misreporting the epidemic in the early stages of the Coronavirus pandemic and allowing Chinese travellers to spread virus. around the world

Former Vice President Joe Biden meets the press on June 30,2020(Reuters)

But his presidential election Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, Tuesday accused government of gross negligence in responding to the virus pandemic.

Trump said virus would do more harm if he didn`t order an early ban on passengers from China. A number of democratic leader criticized the president`s ban.

China rejected criticism from the United States and the international community about the way it handled the Coronavirus pandemic and called on all countries to strengthen their cooperation in responding to it.

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