
There is a new situation in the emergency session of Gao Yunxiang's case, I smile first.

[Current News]     19 Sep 2018
Phoenix New Media quoted Su entertainment news that Gao Yunxiang case is still in the process of hearing, but in the morning of 18, in fact, the Australian court conducted a further trial of the case. The main work of the trial is to argue over arrangements for Gao Yunxiang and Dong Xuan, and the focus is on Dong Xuan`s arrangements for freedom of entry and exit in Australia. Gao Yunxiang, who app...

Phoenix New Media quoted Su entertainment news that Gao Yunxiang case is still in the process of hearing, but in the morning of 18, in fact, the Australian court conducted a further trial of the case. The main work of the trial is to argue over arrangements for Gao Yunxiang and Dong Xuan, and the focus is on Dong Xuan`s arrangements for freedom of entry and exit in Australia. Gao Yunxiang, who appeared outside court, was greeted with a "Jedi counterattack," a new situation in the emergency trial, and a smile on his face for the first time.

There is a new situation in the emergency session of Gao Yunxiang's case, I smile first.

(photo by Phoenix New Media)

There is a new situation in the emergency session of Gao Yunxiang's case, I smile first.

(photo by Phoenix New Media)

This trial does not bring progress to Gao Yunxiang`s case itself, it can only be said that on the basis of the new evidence, change has some of their current terms in Australia. Know that before Gao Yunxiang`s range of activities was in the vicinity of the rented house, and must maintain a certain distance from the airport. Dong Xuan is every passport must be handed in, and to maintain a close nursing relationship with Gao Yunxiang.

There is a new situation in the emergency session of Gao Yunxiang's case, I smile first.

(photo by Phoenix New Media)

The main content of the trial was to lift Dong`s restrictions on Gao Yunxiang`s care, such as his passport, and his claim that he had to stay in Australia for a certain period of time. Of course, the happiest is Gao Yunxiang, which is no doubt another great success after he was bail, and Gao Yunxiang smiled out of court for the first time. To know that her wife Dong Xuan`s treatment terms are loose, she will have more time to stay at home to make money.

There is a new situation in the emergency session of Gao Yunxiang's case, I smile first.

(photo by Phoenix New Media)

In fact, over the past six months or so, Dong Xuan spent most of his time with Gao Yunxiang. To be exact, Dong Xuan returned to China to carry out his work and even opened a parent-child restaurant. It all depends on her support for all the expenses, and Australia`s loosening of the restrictions is tantamount to a huge increase in Dong`s income.

There is a new situation in the emergency session of Gao Yunxiang's case, I smile first.

(photo by Phoenix New Media)

This urgent trial Gao Yunxiang is very happy, can be regarded as a Jedi counter-attack. Gao Yunxiang cut a new head at the scene, still wearing a suit. The most important thing is that Gao Yunxiang`s spirit has been much better, and no one would have expected him to be implicated in the sexual invasion case in terms of appearance. Exactly when this case can end, the specific situation also depends on the final judgment of the trial.

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