
The new prime minister is the driving force of Huawei's ban, and Sino-Australian relations may be difficult to delay for the time being.

[International News]     29 Aug 2018
Huawei has been banned from building a 5G network. (photo by Australian Financial Review)According to the Australian newspaper, the (Scott Morrison) government`s foreign policy may be difficult to ease Sino-Australian relations.
The new prime minister is the driving force of Huawei's ban, and Sino-Australian relations may be difficult to delay for the time being.

Huawei has been banned from building a 5G network. (photo by Australian Financial Review)

According to the Australian newspaper, the (Scott Morrison) government`s foreign policy may be difficult to ease Sino-Australian relations.

Former Prime Minister Tan Po (Malcolm Turnbull) has supported the crackdown on foreign interference and is seen as targeting China. After his resignation, Mr Mosuisse`s economic background sparked speculation about whether Australia`s China policy would change.

However, the possibility of a "reset of China policy" is not too high. Mr Mosuisse`s recent decision to ban Huawei from building Australia`s 5G communications system has sparked strong discontent from the Chinese government.

This week, five-eyed (Five Eyes) intelligence union ministers met in Gold Coast, Queensland, with the participation of Home Secretary Javier (Sajid Javid), United States Homeland Security Secretary (Kirstjen Nielsen), and Canadian Public Security Secretary Goodell (Ralph Goodale). Goodell said he would consult Australian officials on whether Canada should follow Australia`s ban on Huawei.

Separately, earlier this week, Foreign Minister Payne (Marise Payne) said in his first television interview in office that Russia, China and North Korea had broken international rules and were the biggest challenge to Australia. She told Sky News: "they have always been the subject of Australia`s vigilance. Australia is very committed to participating in the affairs of the surrounding areas and the wider region. "

During his tenure as finance minister, Mr Mosuisse suspended major bids from Chinese companies in agriculture and infrastructure. During his tenure as Secretary of Defense, Payne supported a US defense strategy. The strategy says China and Russia pose a greater threat to American security than Islamic extremists.

Insiders say no matter who the leader, Australia`s diplomatic tensions can not be avoided.

John Lee (John Lee) served as national security adviser to former Foreign Minister Bi Xiao (Julie Bishop). "our failure to defend or promote the rule of law is interpreted by China as Australia`s acquiescence," he told the Australian newspaper. "by positioning Australia as a leading defender of these principles, Bixiao has created tension and unavoidable relations between Australia and China."

Payne, he said, will largely continue his approach to Sino-Australian relations.

On August 28, the Xinhua News Agency published a commentary entitled "Relations with China, Australia`s New Cabinet should change its thinking," in which it pointed out: "China and Australia are important countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and it is necessary to make use of various occasions to strengthen communication." Without historical grievances and conflicts of fundamental interests, China and Australia should have complementary advantages and win-win results. It is hoped that Australia`s new cabinet will make use of the "new thinking" to do more things conducive to enhancing mutual trust and cooperation between the two sides, and create favorable conditions and a good public opinion environment for promoting the improvement and development of Sino-Australian relations. "

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