
60% of Australians support mandatory masks

2019-nCoV Special
[Social News]     09 Sep 2020
As many as two-thirds of Australians now believe that masks should be mandatory in all public places, even if they don't wear them themselves.
60% of Australians support mandatory masks

Vizhou people are most supportive of mandatory wearing masks. (ABC Photo)

As many as two-thirds of Australians now believe that masks should be mandatory in all public places, even if they don't wear them themselves.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported that, as part of the media's collaborative survey with Vox Pop Labs, Australians were asked weekly for more than three months whether they supported mandatory wearing masks.

In June, fewer than a third felt they should be forced to wear masks, but since July, support has become the majority, and now it is two-thirds.

For Australia, only Victoria is required to wear masks, but authorities recommends that people also use masks in hot spots in Sydney and Brisbane.

Unsurprisingly, as the worst outbreak in Australia, the state has the highest level of support for mandatory masks, but most people across the country share this view.

In the new states and capital territories ,71% of respondents supported mandatory masks.


"Of course, we always want full cooperation, but I am quite satisfied with the current ratio. "

Interestingly, although many people favor mandatory masks, they don't actually have the habit of going out on their own.

This gap is particularly pronounced in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Fifty-seven percent of the people in both regions favoured mandatory masks, but only 15 percent admitted they would wear them when they went out.

The chief medical officers of the two states and territories, as well as other places with few cases of community transmission, did not recommend the use of masks.

And in the new state, nearly a fifth of people say their daily lives have happened change, including their habit of wearing masks.

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