South Hobart

South Hobart, Tasmania, 7004

  ranked 4 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Aggregate Data of South Hobart
State: Tasmania
Postal code: 7004 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Battery Point
Overall rating: 9.0, ranked 4 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Population: 5077, ranked 13 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Measurement: 9.0707 km2 , ranked 60 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Population density: 559.71 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 1.5 km
Average level of education: 11.4 years , ranked 12 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median yearly personal income: 31668 AUD , ranked 45 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median weekly personal income: 609 AUD , ranked 45 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median weekly family income: 1649 AUD , ranked 28 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median weekly household income: 1214 AUD , ranked 48 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Attraction near South Hobart
Battery Point
Cascades Female Factory Historic Site
Food & shopping near South Hobart
Cascade Brewery
South Hobart suburbs nearby
Dynnyrne 7005
West Hobart 7000
Sandy Bay 7005
Battery Point 7004
Crabtree 7109
Sorell 7172
Lutana 7009
Dulcot 7025
Clifton Beach 7020
Updated: 2019-05-11 21:29:47