Mount Mellum

Mount Mellum, Queensland, 4550

  ranked 38 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Aggregate Data of Mount Mellum
State: Queensland
Postal code: 4550 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 7.8, ranked 38 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Population: 446, ranked 77 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Measurement: 9.5717 km2 , ranked 44 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Population density: 46.6 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 23.4 km
Average level of education: 10.91 years , ranked 48 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median yearly personal income: 27456 AUD , ranked 45 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median weekly personal income: 528 AUD , ranked 45 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median weekly family income: 1316 AUD , ranked 41 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median weekly household income: 1025 AUD , ranked 66 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Mount Mellum suburbs nearby
Landsborough 4550
Bald Knob 4552
Crohamhurst 4519
Peachester 4519
Diamond Valley 4553
Mooloolah Valley 4553
Balmoral Ridge 4552
Maleny 4552
Eudlo 4554
Updated: 2019-05-27 09:57:44