Mount Coolum

Mount Coolum, Queensland, 4573

  ranked 18 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Aggregate Data of Mount Coolum
State: Queensland
Postal code: 4573 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Coolum Beach
Marcus Beach
Peregian Beach
Peregian Springs
Point Arkwright
Overall rating: 8.3, ranked 18 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Population: 3667, ranked 21 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Measurement: 4.3649 km2 , ranked 67 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Population density: 840.11 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 9.4 km
Average level of education: 11.12 years , ranked 10 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median yearly personal income: 29328 AUD , ranked 24 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median weekly personal income: 564 AUD , ranked 24 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median weekly family income: 1367 AUD , ranked 25 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median weekly household income: 1153 AUD , ranked 39 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Mount Coolum suburbs nearby
Yaroomba 4573
Point Arkwright 4573
Marcoola 4564
Coolum Beach 4573
Mudjimba 4564
Yandina Creek 4561
Pacific Paradise 4564
Maroochy River 4561
Bli Bli 4560
Updated: 2019-06-01 19:56:01