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Witjira National Park

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Attraction - National Park
Australia - South Australia
Stuart Highway, Oodnadatta SA 5734, Australia
+61 8 8648 5328
All day


Witjira National Park is located in the northern interior of South Australia, bordering the Northern Territory in the north, covering an area of 7715.07 square kilometers, and the nearest town is (Oodnadatta)., Udinadata

Located on the western edge of the vast Simpson Desert of (Simpson Desert), Witjira National Park is one of the most prestigious desert parks in Australia, including plains, dunes, jagged terraces and flood plains. This is a truly charming countryside with a vast landscape, including many archaeological, biological and geological sites, and more than 120 mound hot springs are covered in lush vegetation. These hot springs are the habitat for some unique species of fish and paradise for dry land birds, visiting the park within weeks of heavy rain and, if lucky enough, seeing wild flowers in full bloom but withering for a while.

Witjira National Park is located in a desolate and remote inland area, accessible only by four-drive cars, well prepared before entering, with weather and road inquiries in advance, campsites and quality tourist facilities in the National Park.

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