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Australia - New South Wales
3k (2016)


Maclean is a small town on the northeast coast of New South Wales, built on the Clarence River (Clarence River), about 660km south from Sydney, the capital of New South Wales, and about 15km east from (Yamba), which is rated as the most American town in Australia.

With a long history, almost the same age as Australia, Maclean was first founded by Scottish immigrants and has been racially bred for more than a hundred years, forming this unique Scottish immigrant town, which still retains a strong Scottish flavor. Now the Maclean is picturesque, the whole town color is bright, like the fairy tale world, the town does not have the Scottish man in the skirt, but has 200 electric poles with the Scottish apron pattern, the skirt pole is the biggest bright spot in the town. At the same time, the town also has a variety of shops selling Scottish-style goods, wide lake, and a lot of interesting graffiti.

Maclean Visitor Centre(s)