
Super beautiful, Tasmania now southern aurora

Antarctic light on Sunday in northern Tasmania (Daily Mail photo)

On Sunday night, New Zealand and Tasmania, Australia, were lit by Antarctic light and photographers used long-exposure techniques to take stunning photos.

According to the Daily Mail, on the night of May 28, southern lights appeared in northern Tasmania, the sky was stained with vibrant purple, and the skyline was brightly green. Photographs taken by aficionados at Alfstone (Ulverstone) 300 kilometers north of (Hobart) show bright colors filling the sky. Although the night was cloudy, Antarctic light was still clearly visible.

The aurora is generated by a flow of high-energy charged particles from the Earth's magnetosphere or sun that excites molecules or atoms in the upper atmosphere. Tasmania, Australia, is one of the best places to watch auroras on Earth. However, it is difficult to capture brilliant auroral colors when people observe them naked.

Photographer James Carrick (James Garlick) said people only detect white flashes when they look naked at the aurora and may also mistake it for clouds. The aurora color can only be fully displayed when a photograph is taken using a long exposure technique.

Winter is the best time to observe the Antarctic, and September is the best time to observe, according to the Australian Traveller.

Antarctic light on Sunday in northern Tasmania (Daily Mail photo)

Antarctic light on Sunday in northern Tasmania (Daily Mail photo)

Antarctic light on Sunday in northern Tasmania (Daily Mail photo)
