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1: Almost no one knows
2: Rare people know
3: Some people know
4: Most people know
5: Everyone knows
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Powerhouse Geelong (Geelong Powerhouse) is located in Geelong, Victoria's second largest city.
Powerhouse Geelong, an abandoned warehouse in an industrial area, has been transformed into a graffiti world by Geelong artists, and so far more than 220 artists have transformed the abandoned power station into a vibrant art area. The entire building, from outside to inside, is occupied by colorful graffiti, making it an imaginative art space for industrial streets, including 3000 square metres of buildings, covering an area of about 2.4ha. Whether art lovers or ordinary tourists, can find their own inspiration here.
A new downtown division has been opened since 2016 at 20 Brougham St, Geelong VIC 3220.
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