Hot index is not rating, it reflects the extent of how tourists know it. Hot index is nothing to do with whether the attraction is good or not, an attraction that everyone knows may not be good, one that nobody knows may not be bad.
1: Almost no one knows
2: Rare people know
3: Some people know
4: Most people know
5: Everyone knows
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Geelong Vintage Market is located Geelong. Victoria's second largest city
Among Australia's many antique markets, Geelong Vintage Market ranks high in popularity, an indoor fair with a floor area of 2000 square meters and more than 60 shops of all kinds, selling a variety of antique collections and some strange items, including old records, books, furniture, jewelry, paintings, gifts, costumes, handicrafts and so on. The market also has coffee shops, serving coffee and delicious food, so you can sit down and take a nap.
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