Hot index is not rating, it reflects the extent of how tourists know it. Hot index is nothing to do with whether the attraction is good or not, an attraction that everyone knows may not be good, one that nobody knows may not be bad.
1: Almost no one knows
2: Rare people know
3: Some people know
4: Most people know
5: Everyone knows
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Moorabool Valley Chocolate is located in the northwest suburb of Geelong, Victoria's second largest city, about 5 km from Geelong.
Moorabool Valley Chocolate, founded in 2005, is a family-owned small business. Moorabool Valley Chocolate has a reputation in Geelong for making truffles, walnuts, fruits and nuts, using fresh ingredients and natural condiments purchased locally as much as possible. Chocolate bars and novelty products, most chocolates do not contain any preservatives.
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