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Isn't the tah state wolf extinct? Many people have seen it in recent years.

 17 Oct 2019

Died alone in Benjamin in the zoo. (picture of Daily Mail)


Although the last pouch wolf died in a zoo in Tazhou more than 80 years ago and disappeared in mainland, Australia, for about 2000 years, several people claimed to have seen the wolf again in the past three years, raising curiosity as to whether the animal had gone extinct or not, according to a documentary from government, Tazhou.

According to the Daily Mail, when Benjamin, the last known wolf, died at the Habat Zoo in 1936, he declared that the wolf was officially extinct in Australia.

However, documentaries filmed by the Tazhou Department of Industry, Park, Water and Environment say at least eight cases of marsupial wolves have been seen in many parts of Tazhou since September 2016, according to documentaries made by the Tazhou Department of Industry, Park, Water and Environment.

The most recent report was in August, when someone in (Midlands), Midland, thought he "saw a kangaroo on his land seven years ago."

Another couple from Western Australia claimed to have seen kangaroo near (Pieman river) on the west coast of Tazhou in January 2018.

"the animal has a thick, hard tail, a thick tail and stripes on its back," the report said. "it`s about the size of a Calby dog. The animal looks calm and doesn`t show fear at all."

The couple reportedly watched the animal cross the road for about 15 seconds and gave a detailed description of the animal`s performance as it crossed the road.

Others say they saw a "cat-like" animal crossing the road while riding a bike on the Lear Highway (Lyell Highway) in February 2018, with stripes on the dark brown fur animal.

The report said the animal had a "slightly longer hind leg than the front leg." it was as long as a Labrador, but shorter and thinner, and looked extensive. and a thin tail pointing to the rear. "

"from where it appeared, how it behaved and how it walked, I didn`t think it was a typical cat, and it was obviously not a fox."

Others say they saw the animal north of (Waratah), Valata, in January 2017, when the animal crossed the road in front of a car in a "half-walk and half-run" manner.

"its tail is at least a foot or two long," the report said. "if it`s a cat, it`s obviously a big cat."

But in these reports of seeing wolf tracks, there is no conclusive evidence to confirm their existence, other than eyewitness testimony.

Whether the wolf is extinct or not is a mystery. (picture of Daily Mail)

About the wolf.

The marsupial wolf (scientific name: Thylacinus cynocephalus),) has been extinct because of its striped tiger, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, which was widely distributed in the rainforest of New Guinea, the Australian prairie and other places, but later distributed only in the island of Tasmania because of human activities. Bag wolf is the largest carnivorous marsupial animal in modern times. Like other marsupial animals, the mother has a pouch, gives birth to immature cubs, and develops in the pouch and is a nocturnal animal.

Modern marsupial wolves first appeared about 4 million years ago. By the early 1990 s, at least seven species of pouch wolf fossils had been found. The wolf used to live widely in Australia and New Guine. five thousand years ago, Australian wild dogs entered Australia with humans and fought with the same eating wolf. The wolf disappeared from New Guinea and the Australian prairie, and survived only on Tasmania Island, Oceania. Australian aborigines came into contact with bag wolves for the first time and have found many marsupial wolves carved on rocks that can be track back to at least 1000 BC.

Since the British explorer Kirk explored Australia in 1770, the bag wolf has been hated by herdsmen because it is suspected of attacking sheep, but most of the incidents were actually caused by Australian wild dogs. Immigrants see the wolf as an enemy, as a "sheep killer", and carry out mass killings encouraged by government`s reward system, which, among other factors, could be disease, the introduction of dogs, and human encroachment on their habitat, making it almost extinct. In 1888, government, Tazhou, awarded a £1 reward for each bag wolf head to encourage farmers to hunt marsupial wolves, a plan that did not stop until 1909.

In 1933, the captured pouch wolf was kept in captivity at Habat Zoo and named Benjamin. In 1936 Benjamin death due to caretaker negligence exposure, and since then there has been no definite information of the existence of the living bag wolf.

(source: Wiki)

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