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Chinese students are most exploited by their employers, earning less than $12 an hou

 24 Nov 2017

Backpackers or international students who work in picking fruits and vegetables face the worst wage exploitation. (photo by the Guardian)

According to the Guardian, 1 / 3 of Australia`s backpackers and 1 / 4 international students are often exploited by employers, earning an hourly salary of less than A $12, half the minimum wage in Australia.

Two senior law lecturers from the University of Technology in Sydney (University of Technology Sydney) and the University of New South Wales (University of New South Wales) organized a comprehensive survey of 4322 temporary visa holders across Australia at three universities in Sydney. And according to the results of the report entitled "wage theft" (Wage Theft). The report says there is systematic exploitation of tourists in Australia, and some employers have even committed illegal acts, such as confiscating passports or requiring them to return some of their wages in order to keep their jobs.

The survey found that wage deductions were widespread because most temporary visa holders were not aware of Australia`s minimum wage requirements and that Australia`s goverment, unions or employers` groups had failed to respond effectively to the situation.

It is reported that 86 percent of international students and backpackers receive an hourly salary of up to A $15, and those surveyed believe that most or all of those holding similar visas receive less than the minimum wage.

The survey found that low wages were widespread in a variety of industries, with food services, especially fruit and vegetable picking, the most serious, with nearly 1 to 7 people earning less than A $5 an hour and 1 / 3 less than A $10.

In addition, 38% of people work in cafes, restaurants and takeout shops, and pay the lowest. Nearly 1 / 3 people earn less than A $12 an hour, and 1 / 2 less than A $15. Convenience shops, car washing or housekeeping are also in poor condition.

In addition, Chinese students suffer the highest proportion of low salaries, with 31% earning less than A $12 an hour. Other Asian countries also have a high proportion of students. British students are 27%, Irish students 25% and American students 20%. The proportion of students in European countries exceeds 1 / 3.

Some employers may also be involved in illegal acts. Ninety-one respondents said passports had been confiscated, 173 had been asked by employers for a deposit of up to A $1000 to keep their jobs, and 112 had to return to some of the cash after receiving their wages. 44 percent were paid cash. But half of them never, or rarely, received the employer`s payroll.

Carney (Ged Kearney), president of the (Australian Council of Trade Unions), Australia`s trade union council, said such wage exploitation should be stopped; workers must quickly seek legal or union aid to protect their rights.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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