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A small-scale earthquake occurred on the Monington Peninsula with a magnitude of 2.7

 12 Jan 2019

A small earthquake struck southeast Victoria on Saturday morning. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, a small earthquake struck southeast Victoria on Saturday morning, feeling tremors in (Phillip Island), Philip Island, and (Mornington Peninsula), the Monington Peninsula.

A 2.7-magnitude earthquake hit waters between Summers (Somers) and Philip Island in southeastern Victoria around 10:15 on Saturday morning.

Such a small earthquake is unlikely to cause any damage, said (Dan Jaksa) (Dan Jaksa), a senior seismologist at the Victoria Geosciences Agency (Geoscience Victoria). The shallow area around (Port Phillip Bay) in Port Philippe means an earthquake is unlikely to trigger a tsunami.

Authorities are reported to have received reports of more than 80 tremors from southeastern Victoria, Melbourne and as far as Collinwood (Collingwood). Many people said they heard the noise change from big to low, and then felt it shake.

It is understood that in the past 10 years, there have been 19 small-scale earthquakes near the Monington Peninsula and Philip Island, the fifth-largest earthquake since 2009.

The biggest earthquake in Melbourne`s modern history occurred in 1965. There was a 5.7 magnitude earthquake in Otway range (Otway Ranges).

In 2012, there was a 5.4 magnitude earthquake on the outskirts of East Moi (East Moe), Victoria, which was felt throughout Melbourne.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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