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National favorite koala, to kiss and hug to hold high, Kunzhou can hold koala place big collection

 20 Jun 2018

Speaking of koalas, it is the whole of Australia's favorite existence, focusing on only three things over the years: one: sleep, can sleep 20 hours a day; second: eat eucalyptus leaves, eat when you wake up, sleep when you eat; Three: competing with pandas for the title of the loveliest animal in the world with innocent eyes and ignorant expressions.

Perhaps our baby panda is a little better than the loveliest animal in the world, but the koala baby is certainly worthy of being Australia's loveliest animal.

Soft fluff, simple and naive eyes, forever a "who am I?" Where am I? Where am I from? Where am I going? " The cute expression, which is invincible, arouses the hearts of millions of straight girls.

Putin the Great, yes, that is, the tough man who led the fighting nation, the black belt of judo, could not resist the cute behavior of a little koala. Only to see Putin the great carefully picked up a small koala, smile not too gentle ~ and former leader Barack Obama picked up koala, is also happy laugh ~

Former President of Brazil, former Prime Minister of Australia and Cora, the first two lost ~

As an Australian student, there are always more than 300 days a year want to hug koala. Today, the editor for everyone to collate an article near Kunzhou, want to give koala a big introduction of love hug!

Koala: kiss, hug, raise!

1, Dreamworld (Dreamworld)

One of the biggest theme parks in Australia, the interesting projects must be no longer introduced by the editor.

I don't know if my friends have noticed that Dreamworld can hold koala, oh ~ in Dreamworld Corroboree, there are more than 500 other species of little creatures, oh ~ in which there are more than five hundred other small creatures, oh ~ in Dreamworld Corroboree

2, Coronbin Wildlife Park (Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary)

Also on the Gold Coast, friends will find koalas of all sizes lying leisurely on the trees, or sleeping or eating leaves or falling asleep. Don't be too sinister ~

The koala here can also be hugged, oh, obeying the instructions of the staff, you can feel this cute 4-5 kilos personally.

3, Paradise Farm (Paradise Country)

There are places where there is koala, there will be crowds, after all, it is Australia's favorite, after all, Koala Village, in Paradise Country can also hold koala, while hugging, the staff will also take photos for you, oh ~

Be careful, however, the last time a friend of the editor went to hug, a bubble of koala was properly held in his hand.

4, Longbai koala Zoo (Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary)

Closer to us, we can also hold koalas in Bucun. Lone Pine's Koala Sanctuary is a great place ~ there are more than 130 koalas in the zoo.

This is Diniz's world record of the first largest koala park, many stars here have held koala ~

5. Australian Zoo (Australia Zoo)

How could the famous Australia zoo not have a koala! Here, friends can also have a close contact with koala ~

It is worth mentioning that in addition to koala, there is also access to koala, sliding snakes and kangaroos, oh ~ wild animals in the zoo, the warriors are ready ~

6, Wildlife Park headquarters (Wildlife HQ Zoo)

At the Wildlife Park headquarters in Sunshine Coast, a Noah's Ark-like existence, all kinds of wildlife can see some of them in this place.

Of course, also includes our super cute koala bear ~ hugging koala baby, at the same time can also see the same cute day Wombats koala bear oh ~

7. Corbury Park Wildlife Reserve (Cooberrie Park Wildlife Sanctuary)

Friends who live near Capricorn coast can choose to come to Cooberrie Park Wildlife Sanctuary to hug koala;

Warriors can also challenge other native animals, snakes, lizards and crocodiles waiting for your favorite hugs.

8. Pirapong Preservation Park (Billabong Sanctuary)

Friends who live in Sunny Townsville, welcome to Billabong Sanctuary~ here, you will have a chance to see Super! Level! More! Koala, live up to the magic island's reputation, in this small area, actually live more than 800 wild koala.

But also wild are the ubiquitous saltwater crocodiles and other animals.

The editor just wants to say that I live better than a koala bear.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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