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The bloody truth! 90% of Chinese Australians have suffered racial discrimination, Australian media data is shocking! Australia, it's not easy to love you.

 06 Dec 2016

Australia-Guangzhou ABC released a survey of racial discrimination in Australia this morning.

Of the 22000 15-to 19-year-olds surveyed, 1 / 3 have suffered from unfair treatment or racial discrimination related to their race, according to the data.

At the same time, the survey also found that among these young people, Mandarin-speaking Chinese suffer the highest rate of discrimination, reaching an alarming 90%!

Australia is often known for its beautiful, well-being and well-being, but it`s not easy to love you...

According to the Australian-Guangzhou ABC report, the survey came from a group called Mission Australia youth survey.

Across Australia, a total of 22000 young people between the ages of 15 and 19 completed the survey.

Of the 22000 15-to 19-year-olds surveyed, 1 / 3 have suffered from unfair treatment or racial discrimination related to their race, according to the data.

At the same time, the survey also found that among these young people, Mandarin-speaking Chinese suffer the highest rate of discrimination, reaching an alarming 90%!

In addition, the percentage of Cantonese-speaking friends who are discriminated against is as high as 80%:

New soruce:

I think this number must have surprised a lot of people. Although it is generally acknowledged that racial discrimination is considerable in Australia, no one can imagine that Chinese people suffer the highest rate of discrimination, the largest number of people, and have become the biggest victims of racial discrimination in Australia!

This is by no means alarmist. There have been countless incidents of racial discrimination against Chinese in Australia over the past year:

Melbourne campus, 3 Decembe

On Saturday morning, hundreds of posters of racial discrimination appeared on the campus of the University of Melbourne, which read "Australia is a white world", "(Keep Australia White)," No nomadic people, (Stop the Hordes), etc., asking sh**skins, to do so. Black (niggers) and Chinese (chinks) get out of Australia.

November 22, Adelaide bus

On a bus in Adelaide, Australia, a white woman insults an Asian woman and her daughter with racist swearing.

In the video, it is clear that the woman is constantly cursing with the F word to the effect that "they are not Australians, she did not buy tickets." "in fact, they are invading our country, don`t you see, there are Chinese everywhere."

30 October, Hurstville, Sydney

A 17-year-old Chinese student named Eddy was insulted by his classmates in Sydney`s Hurstville district "Fuck you Chinese chinky!"

After fighting back decisively, Eddy was beaten madly, eventually thrown into a fountain pool and seriously wounded.

5 October, Mosman, Sydney

Jing Song, a 29-year-old Chinese girl from the Mosman district of Sydney, was attacked by a man on Glover Street while walking her dog with a 26-year-old same-sex partner. The girl suffered a broken eye and a kick in the abdomen.

On the Sydney subway on August 24

On a train to the Lidcombe district in Sydney, a woman shouted out passengers with Asian faces, including a Chinese student named Candy Li. "get back to your country," she shouted.

Darwin, 6 June

Australian city Chinese mayor Lin Fang`s outer fence was sprayed on 2 th racially discriminatory language. Her railing was sprayed with graffiti from Lin Fang Dead Asian (KFL DIE GOOK), one word on each pole.

8 January, Woolworths

Australian supermarket giant Woolworths has been accused of being racist, posting four cans in English and two in Chinese. Subsequently, Woolworths suspended the online accounts of a number of Chinese customers and refused to correct them.

On the Sydney subway on December 26, 15

A woman waving a chisel on the Sydney subway Bankstown Line threatened to stab a Chinese passenger simply because she was dissatisfied that the Chinese man was sitting next to her.

Media reports alone, there are seven or eight related cases, not exposed by the media more.

Why is racial discrimination so serious in Australia?

In common sense, racial discrimination in Australia should not be so serious. According to the 2011 census,

Australian nationals are made up of people from more than 200 countries, nearly 1/3 of whom are born overseas, a genuine immigrant country.

Non-English-speaking Australians make up 8.5 percent of the population, while nearly 20 percent speak languages other than English.

You see, Australia itself is an immigrant country, and the ethnic composition of its population is very diverse. I feel that Australian society and culture are very inclusive.

But Australia`s diversity is not as simple as "56 brothers and sisters are one family," because where there is diversity, there will be mainstream and marginalization, and there will be discrimination.

In Australia, whites make up 92 percent of the population, Asian Americans make up 7 percent, and aborigines and others make up 1 percent.

As a result, people from different cultures live together, and conflicts between groups can easily be magnified, and in a situation where a white person is still the majority, it is easy to create some unfavourable situations for the development of minorities.

Is Australia not doing anything about racial discrimination?

No matter who, after seeing the findings of the survey conducted by Australia and Guangzhou, there will always be a question. Are Australians very tolerant of racial discrimination?.

Yes, but not.

Today, at least on the surface, racial discrimination is tolerated by Australian authorities and educational institutions, and spurned by most Australians.

Any words and deeds that are "politically incorrect" will be blinded by classmates and colleagues, and will be severely punished if they trigger the law.

In April, for example, a Chinese-Australian mentor at the University of Sydney, who was found to have made insulting remarks on Weibo calling Chinese students "pigs", resigned under pressure from the school and public opinion.

Sometimes, as long as ethnic minority victimization is involved in an injury incident, the provocative party is immediately classified as a "racist".

But behind the back, walking down the street, he was thrown at "Fxxking Asian" and "Fxxking Chinese" for inexplicable reasons.

When eating in the restaurant, because of the Asian face, and by the waiters snub such things emerge one after another.

These trifles are not serious enough to make headlines, but they do exist around us, which is why up to 90% of respondents think they have suffered racial discrimination.

After all that, what are we supposed to do?

When it comes to racial discrimination, there are always people who come forward and criticize the indecent behaviour of the Chinese in Australia, as if discrimination would naturally disappear as long as everyone`s conduct is correct.

Discrimination is ubiquitous, it is written into the human gene. It can`t change, it can`t disappear. Today is the victim of racial discrimination and tomorrow may be the victim of racial discrimination.

But even if discrimination cannot be eliminated, it should never be an excuse for 90 per cent of Chinese to have been discriminated against.

Are we too peaceful in the face of racial discrimination? When we hear "shut up and roll back to China", is our reaction just silence and hidden anger?

When racists find it safest and least resistant to discriminate against the Chinese, do you think they will continue to discriminate against the Chinese next time?

So in the face of racial discrimination, anger or silence is not the best way to solve the problem. Since Australia`s goverment has laws that protect us from racial discrimination, we need to make good use of it.

The next time you meet a racist, don`t hesitate to take a video of your phone and call the police and the person will quickly disappear out of your sight.

What if it happens so suddenly that you don`t have time to shoot it on your cell phone? You can at least prepare yourself for a verbal response at home in advance.

Only in this way will our next generation experience 90%.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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